Category: Interviews

  • ‘Idea of India is incomplete without idea of Kashmir’

    PDP President and former Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti’s interview with Rajat Sharma in recent episode of ‘Aap Ki Aadalat’ on India TV.


    Q: The first allegation against you is that you compromised with the security of the country. The BJP leaders with whom you were running a collation government say the Ramadhan ceasefire was announced on your insistence and it was a big mistake. It gave militants a chance to regroup and demoralised the police and security forces.

    I believe in the last three years if any good step was taken it was Ramadhan ceasefire. It gave people a lot of relief and common people started living a normal life. When Union Home Minister visited Kashmir during ceasefire, there was no strike call for the first time. The Home Minister himself observed the change.

    We had not called the ceasefire for militants but for common people. During Vajpayee government in 2000, a similar unilateral ceasefire was announced. But that time the state government had opposed it. This time, I tried my best for a ceasefire so that there is some respite to people.

    Q: I have some statistics. During the ceasefire, there were 62 militant attacks and 32 grenade attacks and at 23 places firing was reported.

    As I said the ceasefire was not called for militants but for common people. Militants don’t want normalcy. They don’t want schools and colleges to reopen. They wanted to sabotage it and I am sorry to say what militants wanted, they achieved and what we wanted we couldn’t.

    Q: But this (ceasefire) boosted militants and demoralised the police and army and you wanted to continue the ceasefire?

    Our police and army is not so weak that a ceasefire can demoralise them. They are fighting for the last 30-years. The solution to the problems of J&K is not to kill militants. If killing militants would have been a solution, why would have a leader like Vajpayee ji called for a ceasefire and went to Lahore with bus. From 2002 to 2005 when Mufti (Mohamamd Sayeed) sahib was Chief Minister and Vajpayee ji was Prime Minister, the situation was changing and people in Kashmir remember it as a golden period. If the solution to J&K’s problem is killing militants, then what is the need for having democratic government? Army is there and they can do it.

    Q: PM Narendra Modi said from Red Fort that “not bullets, but hugs” can solve the problem.

    There was a forward movement during Vajpayee ji’s tenure. Vajpayee ji visited Kashmir in 2003 and thousands of people welcomed him in Srinagar. What Vajpayee ji spoke that day had an impact on overall situation. When Mufti sahib decided to enter into an alliance with the BJP (in 2015), he tried to recreate that moment. He shake hands with Modiji with the same intention and when Modiji visited Srinagar in (November) 2015, we had expectations that he will recreate what Vajpayee ji did.

    Q: But Modiji said he will follow Vajpayeeji’s ‘Kashmiryat, Jamhoriat and Insaniyat.’

    No he mostly spoke about roads and 80 thousand crore package. Our people were let down with Modiji’s speech.

    Q: Do you want to say India should speak to Pakistan? Do you say that Pakistan is responsible for the bloodshed in Kashmir?

    I am saying that the animosity between India and Pakistan is responsible for the prevailing situation in Kashmir. We have to bear the brunt of Indo-Pak animosity. Pakistan has a role. Vajpayee ji went to Lahore with a bus. He continued to talk with Pakistan despite Kargil war and attack on Parliament. Can there be any bigger nationalist than Vajpayeeji

    Q: But Modiji too made an attempt when he invited Nawaz Sharief to his swearing in ceremony. Then he went to Lahore to attend a marriage function in Nawaz Sharief’s family?

    I am not saying he didn’t make any attempt, but there was no consistency.

    Q: As they say ‘Latoon ke bhoot baton se nahi mante’ (Stubborn people don’t listen to you till they have a very good thrashing.)

    You have fought several wars with Pakistan and won those. Did the situation in Kashmir improve because of that? If ever situation in Kashmir improved, it was when Vajpayeeji went to Lahore and Musharaf assured him that Pakistan will not allow its land to be used for any anti-India activity. You carried surgical strikes, did it improve anything?

    Q: Now there is no Vajpayeeji and there is Modiji who is his own way of working. He says he has 56 inch chest.

    From that 56 inch chest he has to spare one inch for the people of J&K. Idea of India is incomplete without idea of Kashmir, do you agree with it.

    Q: Modiji went one step ahead when he said Kashmir won’t be complete till we retrieve Pakistan occupied Kashmir.

    You can say anything. Did surgical strikes have any impact? Did it stop the attacks or killings? No. In today’s world, war is not an option.

    Q: Modiji said the way you were working as (Chief Minister) it would have compromised with national security if you would have been given further time?

    (Laughs). There is no way out but to talk like Vajpayeeji did. He used to say you can change the friends but not neighbours. You can use force, carry NIA raids, bring more army. But will it change the situation.

    Q: There are allegations against you that your government was soft against militants. Whenever army and police gained upper hand against militants, you tied their hands.

    An elected government has to think about the safety and security of common people. My instructions to the security forces were to make an attempt to arrest the local militants instead of killing them. When you kill one militant, four others are born. Similarly I had directed them not to harass the families of militants. What is their mistake if their sons or relatives have become militants?

    Q: Your government withdrew cases against stone pelters?

    We did it to those boys who were involved in stone pelting for the first time.

    Q: You withdrew cases against stone pelters, but registered FIRs against policemen?

    We live in democratic system where fundamental rights of the people have to be safeguarded. In such a case if any incident happened, we took the action.

    Q: Jamiat-e-Islami supported you in elections. And when the Center government gave names of 80 Jamiat people who were involved in anti-state activities you didn’t take any action against them.

    Jamiat-e-Islami is an organisation like other organisation in the country. If you have proof you can arrest someone. But if you want to arrest someone because of the Jamiat-e-Islami name, I didn’t allow it. We arrested those people only against whom there were evidence. If Jamiat-e-Islami people supported or voted for PDP, there is no harm in it. Casting vote is a democratic right.

    Q: But in return you supported militants. How is it justified?

    No it is not true. If any Jamiat-e-Islami boy became a militant security forces took action against him. But as I said, I didn’t allow to harass the families of militants.

    Q: Separatists were receiving money from Pakistan and you didn’t allow any action against them?

    You can’t arrest someone just because he is the relative of a separatist or a militant. You arrested son of Syed Salah-ud-Din just because his father is a militant commander. Salah-ud-Din is in Pakistan for last 30-years. What is the mistake of his children? NIA recently arrested Asiya Andrabi and took her to Delhi. You can’t arrest Kashmiri women and detain them in Delhi.

    Q: But those who are conspiring against India can’t be left alone?

    We are there. Either you say you don’t trust us. We took a step and aligned with the BJP for the interests of the country and the J&K. We sacrificed everything including our party.

    Q: Then why have you so much of love for Mirwaiz Umar and Geelani sahib and other Hurriyat leaders, who are enemies of the country?

    Those whom you call enemies of country held two rounds of talks with LK Advani when he was deputy Prime Minister. The roads and trade routes with Pakistan were opened to showcase Kashmir as window of opportunity.

    Q: But from the same routes, money and drugs are coming?

    50 quintiles of drugs are coming from Wagah route. Did you close that? I was pursuing that get two full body scanners for Uri and Rawalkote routes for trucks. You didn’t do it.

    Q: The routes where from drugs, money and militants are coming, more such routes should be opened?

    You will be surprised to know neither a militant has crossed from Uri nor Rawalakot route. They cross the border from other places. NIA wanted to close the trade routes but I didn’t allow to do that. I am of the opinion that Kashmir should be become part of CPEC.

    Q: You have problem with hanging of Afzal Guru and killing Burhan Wani and then you say I love this country?

    I have so much of love for this country. I am not among those leaders who used to say go and bombard Pakistan, send Hurriyat leaders to jails and it will solve the problem. Today they are saying go and talk with Pakistan.

    Q: Are you pointing towards Farooq Abdullah?

    Whosoever he is. I am saying by bombarding Pakistan or killing militants won’t solve the problem.

    Q : Do you regret your alliance with the BJP?

    It was a historical decision by Mufti sahib. He wanted to get Kashmir out of the quagmire. When we entered into an alliance with the BJP someone told Mufti sahib you made a mistake. He replied at the most we may lose next election, but if this alliance can bring Kashmir out of its problems, it won’t be a bad bargain.

    Q: But do you now feel BJP betrayed you?

    (Laughs). What BJP did is not new to anybody in Kashmir. In 1953 the government of Sheikh (Mohammad Abdullah) sahib was dismissed by his friend Jawhar Lal Nehru. So this is not something new. They may have complaints with me that I was soft on terrorism, didn’t arrest Jamiatees, why I was asking for a dialogue with Pakistan. These are agendas of my party and these were in agenda of alliance. There was nothing hidden.

    Q: There are allegations that you promoted favouritism and nepotism when you were CM?

    I came to politics in 1996 when nobody was willing to contest elections in Bijbehara constiuency. In 1999 when PDP was formed, one or two people from our family joined us. One of my uncles was among them.

    Q: What about your brother whom you made a minister?

    I accept it. When Mufti sahib died, I was emotional. Tasaduq was a renowned cinematographer. I felt alone and in a selfish move I asked him to join the party. Mufti sahib’s death was an emotional trauma for me. I feel I did injustice with Tasaduq by making him a minister. He was earning Rs three to four lakh per day. You can hold me responsible me for making him minister. But rest of the relatives were the ones who are founding members of the PDP.

    Q: What is the reason that there is a rebellion within the PDP?

    Somebody is angry because he didn’t get a ministry or attention. These things are common in any party. But if Delhi is behind this (rebellion), then it is a serious issue. If BJP wants to make a government in J&K by breaking PDP, it will be a huge dent to democratic process in the state.

    Q: There are reports you met you friend Sonia Gandhi and are in a process to make a government with the help of Congress party.

    It is absolutely wrong. If we had to make a government for the sake of government we would have done it in 2015 when Congress and NC offered unconditional support to the PDP. We had entered into an alliance with the BJP for a bigger cause.

  • KASHMIR ISSUE: New Delhi missed chances

    Stating that Prime Minster Narendra Modi has missed a chance of moving forward in Kashmir, former RAW Chief A.S Dulat has said that Modi’s focus after assuming office was more Pakistan than Kashmir. The Former Indian Spy master however, said that Kashmiri leadership has also not been very effective and there was a great void of leadership after Sheikh Mohamamd Abdullah in Kashmir. Dulat also doesn’t look satisfied with the Center’s represent Dineshwar Sharma’s preferences of engagement in Kashmir, saying Mr. Sharma should have gone straight way to Syed Ali Shah Geelani’s home from airport instead of searching for youth. An admirer of Dr. Farooq Abdullah, Mr. Dulat advocates a double –Omar accord between Farooq Abdullah’s Son Omar Abdullah and separatist leader Mirwaiz Umer Farooq, and says, there should be an audit of credibility and popularity for Kashmir leaders. The Kashmir Magazine caught up with the former Indian Spy Chief at Taj Viventa in Srinagar, who spoke extensively about the Kashmir Problem and his regret to have not met Syed Ali Shah Geelani and former Pakistan President General Musharaf.

    Here are the excerpts.

    Q : Don’t you think sir that New Delhi has failed to read Kashmir-Issue as they have been looking at it only through Security Prism . Even the interlocutors are being picked up from Security agencies sidelining the politicians.

    Ans : Kashmir Issue is not in my view going to be resolved easily now. We missed some good opportunities. You would remember Dr. Manmohan Singh (Former Prime Minster) , when he was demitting office , said that the Problem was almost solved .
    As long as there was Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Dr. Manmohan Singh general Musahraf, there was a chance, an opportunity, because there were similar thinking people from both sides who were keen to resolve the issue. Nobody was more keen than Dr, Manmohan Singh, but he too missed an opportunity in 2006-07.

    Q : What opportunities you are referring to .?

    Ans ; As long as General Mushraf was in control, there was an opportunity. In my view,General Musharaf has been the most reasonable Pakitsani leader in the last thirty years that I have watched Kashmir. He said everything which was right. He said that whatever is acceptable to Kashmiris was acceptable to Pakistan. I don’t think any other Pakistani leader has ever said that and that is the most reasonable thing. Then he came with a four point formula. He acknowledged that boundaries can’t be changed.

    Q : If it was so, then why did Agra Summit fail even as you were the key member of the Vajpayee team.?

    Ans : I was not at Agra. I have two regrets in my life. One that I couldn’t meet Syed Ali Shah Geelani and the other, I couldn’t even meet General Musharaf either though I was very keen and am in fact still keen to meet him
    In Srinagar also , I met almost everyone except Geelani Sahab. I have met him just once at Pakistan Day function where I introduced myself to him. I could not also meet Gen. Musahraf but I am still looking for him because I have some question for him to ask. And one of the questions is that, does he not regret what happened in Agra? A beginning was almost made in Agra.

    Q : Do you concede that Modi Government has been harsh and more unwilling to address Kashmir issue as compared to the previous governments at Centre.?

    Ans : Everybody had welcomed him when he was elected to Power. Even Mirwaiz welcomed him .He said that. ‘We welcome an NDA government and we hope that it will continue the Vajpayee way in dealing with the Kashmir problem” because they had Vajpayee era back in the mind, but that didn’t happen. Modi ji missed the opportunity of moving forward in Kashmir and instead his focus was more on Pakistan than Kashmir. He showed overtures to Pakistan, invited Nawaz Shareef to oath Ceremony, went Raiwind etc. But then unfortunately Pathankot happened.

    Q : On one side India claims that Kashmir is an internal issue, but on the other side they want to engage Pakistan like you said Modi showed overtures to Pakistan. Why is this confusion, why is being Kashmiri leadership sidelined?

    Ans : I agree with you that we should never forget Kashmir while we engage with Pakistan, because Kashmir is part of India. In fact the whole concept of the Vajpayee team was that an effort would be made on both these channels simultaneously. That is why in that period ( 1999-2008) , we had 08-09 years of comparative peace . Pakistan also held back. There were gestures from India. If you remember, Vajpayee Ji had announced that unconditional ceasefire in Ramdan, then 2003 ceasefire lasted for so many years. So those were good times.

    Q : if it could happen then, why cant it happen now. Is Modi Govt. consciously discrediting Kashmiri leadership whether that may be pro-India or Hurriyat. If it is so, what New Delhi wants to achieve by doing this?

    Ans : One thing you will have to accept, there has been a political leadership void in Kashmir. Many Kashmiris won’t agree with me, but you will have to accept that no one has emerged as leader after Sheikh Mohamamd Abdullah, and even if there is any, it is Dr. Farooq Abdullah, whether you accept him or not. Second was Mufti Mohammd Syed but unfortunately we don’t have him now..
    Why can’t the Kashmiri mainstream parties get together? I had once asked Mufti Sahab that why can’t he and Dr. Farooq gets together, he said two regional parties are a necessity.

    Q : But how can they do it when Delhi is unwilling to give them credibility. Even relaxation in curfew is being announced from New Delhi .?

    Ans : No, New Delhi is not discrediting anyone here. If one thinks like that, it can counter- productive. But Separatist Camp has to be accepted. Again I am quoting Mufti Sahab. Unfortunately he is not here and I hope nobody will take objection to it. As Chief Minster Mufti Sahab had once asked me that why is it, New Delhi was not talking to Hurriyat. Why is not there a regular dialogue? My reply to him was that you are the chief Minster and are regularly talking to Prime Minster, why shouldn’t you speak to him about it. I also asked him, why you can’t hold round table conferences.

    Q : What do you think is the way forward now.?

    Ans : I say, double Omar- accord is a must. Few years back even two senior leaders of National Conference Dr. Mustafa Kamal and Ali Mohamamd Sagar had also hinted for the need of such an alliance. Nearly seventeen years back, I used to say, why Kashmiri Youth doesn’t think of a National government. This time too you have Omar Abdullah, Umer Farooq Mirwaiz, Mehbooba Mufti , Sajad Gani Lone. These four I have mentioned in my Book as having political future.Why can’t they get together?

    Q : Why is GOI discrediting the mainstream politicians in Kashmir.? What they want to achieve in doing this?

    Ans : GOI doesn’t discredit Kashmiri leadership. The kashmiris have been always thinking that nothing can be done without New-Delhi which is not true.

    Q : When Prime Minster rebukes the elected Chief Minster publically saying, “ I don’t need anybody’s advice.” What is that? He was obviously referring to a leader whom more than seventy percent people had chosen as Chief Minster.

    Ans : I agree that was an embarrassing moment for Mufti Sahab and a very uncomfortable moment too. But you can’t belittle Mufti Sahab. He was not a small leader. He was union Home Minster. In 2003, Geelani Sahab was very active. Thinking in New Delhi was that Geelani sahib should be restricted and Chief Minster should be spoken to. I met Mufti Sahab and said that Geelani should be put under house arrest for some time. But he bluntly refused saying that he will not put Geelani under house arrest. He said there were political ways of dealing with it and I ( Mufti ) do not want to make a martyr out of him. What I mean to say is that it depends upon the Chief Minster. He didn’t listen to New Delhi then.

    Q : But same Mufti Mohamamd Syed had released Masrat Alam as a political outreach and had to put him behind the bars again due to pressure from New Delhi. When Prime Minster says, “I don’t want you advice” what is the message you are trying to convey to an elected Chief Minster.”

    Ans : Yes that was an uncomfortable moment for Mufti Sahab . It would not be a comfortable moment for any Chief Minster.

    Q : Even former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah was not allowed to work independently. He pleased for the removal of AFSPA. Had to face embarrassing situation when union Home Secretary announced Curfew relaxations during 2010 agitation. ?

    Ans : Omar Abdullah had pleaded for the removal of AFSPA. Even then ,then Home Minster P. Chidambarm had supported him, but unfortunately that didn’t happen.

    Q : When Union Home Minster supports the Chief Minster in his call of removing AFSPA, then who plays the spoil sport. Do you think Army and Intelligence agencies sabotaged the process?

    Ans : No. To put a blame on Army or Agencies is not Correct. A similar question propped up during my conversation with Pakistanis on Siacheen issue. I told them that we don’t have ‘Gernalism ‘ in India. It is political call and yes it was a ‘political weakness’ for not taking a call then.
    I have myself been a votary of gradual removal of AFSPA , but the current situation is not suitable. But, what is the desperate need of the hour is the engagement with Kashmiris which has stopped. I thnk it is the single thing which is absent.

    Q : Engagement ! With whom? New Delhi is not willing even to call Mr. Dineshwar Sharma an Interlocutor. What kind of engagement you are referring to. ?

    Ans : I was the happiest person to hear about Dineshwar Sharma’s announcement , expecting things to move forward in next six months. But if they are not moving forward, it is unfortunate.

    Q : What is your understanding on Dinshwara Sharma’s engagement process. Has it yielded anything .?

    Ans : My Understanding is that he should have gone straightway to Geelnai, Mirwaiz or Yasin Malik’s residence once he landed at Srinagar Airport. Meeting Chief Minster or Governor is of no use.

    Q : Why should GOI pick up an inelegance man instead of a politician for engagement. ?

    Ans : I was also from inelegance agencies. I had prepared a ground then asked then Prime Minster Vajpayee Ji to go ahead with engagement. It always starts with someone laying the ground. Dineshwar also should be laying ground for ultinatley Geelani, Mirwaiz and Yain to come to Delhi.
    Today I see a greater craving among Kashmiris for peace, for dialogue. The Kashmiris have never been so desperate to talk than today.
    The unfortunate thing is the civilian killings since Burhan Wani’s killing. When I came here in 2016, the boulevard was full of tourists, flights were jam packed . But when I was talking to my friends here in Kashmir, I could feel . that under the surface, things were not good. Something is going to happen . I even spoke to my friends after I returned . what I want to say that Burhan was a catalyst only.
    You would remember before the Burhan Wani episode, some nasty events had taken place in South Kashmir. The then Norhern Army Commander Gen. Huda had said that when people come out during ant- militancy operations, what can army do. The same General then issued many reconciliatory statements. Even now the Army Chief has said that guns can’t do it. But the problem is there is a political weakness.

    Q : What should be the road map ahead according to you. ?

    Road map is clear, that whosoever is the interlocutor, you should go to Geelani, Mirwaiz and Yasin Malik and the dialogue begins. Sharma is searching youth, but a dialogue has to be with Politics and politicians. Regular engagement with leaders who are credible is a must. L.K Advani spoke twice had with Hurriyat , they asked for release of prisoners and the people were released subsequently. They achieved something that is how you start. We need to talk.
    Q : we had the Kathua crises where two BJP ministers had to resign for their alleged support to accused.

    Ans : Kathua rape and murder was a very sad and tragic incident. But I think, this has been exploited by PDP. It had not an opportunity to exploit anything. Now they feel they have an opportunity, so this is being probably exploited.

    My understanding is that PDP exploited it more than BJP. How can BJP exploit it, they can distort things. I don’t know what the reality is, but if anybody si exploiting it, it will be PDP

    Courtesy: Kashmir Magazine

  • No global agenda. Our movement is indigenous

    Syed Ali Shah Geelani is considered as the key leader in the separatist camp in Jammu and Kashmir who is viewed as one of the most tough to negotiate with, among all the separatist leaders. The ‘hardcore’ separatist leader as many would call him, is however, not averse to talks- albeit- his conditions are accepted. He has recently steped down as Chairman of the Tehreeek e Hurriyat, a constituent party of Hurriyat Conference (G), of which he is the founder. The Kashmir Magazine team last week dropped at his Hyderpora residence where he has remained under house detention for most of the time during last eight years. We spoke at length with the octogenarian leader about the contours of the separatist movement he has been leading for last more than two and a half decades.

    Here are the excerpts of the full interview.

    Q.1: How do you see present situation, especially after government said that pro freedom leadership is “free to carry out their political and social activities?

    Announcement by DG police Mr. SP Vaid that “pro-freedom leaders are free to carry out their political and social activities” is in itself an ample proof of Jammu and Kashmir being a police and army state run by the barrel of gun. Political puppets are nothing but to nod their head in support of their armed masters. Had there been even an iota of a democratic setup or the slightest traces of the so-called elected government, these statements should have come from the political mouth pieces. But as we rightly believe that the decisions regarding Jammu and Kashmir are taken by the men in uniform be it army or police, seen only through the prism of so-called national security.
    Now the “freedom” police chief has announced and the chest thumbing by the local stooges have not stood its ground even for a fortnight. All the pro-freedom camp continues to be either under house arrest or in jails. Indian leaders and their local pawns have always made tall claims and soothing press statements, but they have never kept their word. This is real and basic tragedy we are facing. Had they honoured their own words and promises made to us, this paradise on earth would not have turned into a hell, it is today.
    Blunt lies, false and unrealistic rhetoric has been the hallmark of Indian political class whether in power or not and their egoistic approach has led to the numberless killing fields in Jammu and Kashmir and has put the whole sub-continent at the brink of Nuclear collusion.

    Q.2: Situation in Valley has been volatile following civilian deaths and subsequent protests. Can mere Hartals do in such circumstances?

    Present situation in Jammu and Kashmir is not only volatile but alarming as well. Our peaceful protests are crushed and dealt with iron hand of the police and army. They kill us ruthlessly, injure and disable peaceful protesters, blind and arrest innocents. We are not even allowed to mourn the death of our youth or offer condolences to the bereaved families. ‘Puppet-government’ is scared of the public outrage as they have already lost the moral and ethical ground to hold the chair. It is true that mere hartals are not enough. As I repeatedly say that main reason and the giant and monstrous culprits responsible for dance of death and destruction is this pro-Indian political class. Delhi grooms, pampers and nourishes them to suck our blood like leeches. They shamefully and arrogantly thrive on our blood and flesh for decades together just for their personal perks, privileges and packages. We as a nation have to confront these collaborators, local faces of oppressor, anywhere and everywhere. We need to question their authority and claim to rule us. We should remind them the deceitful and lustful role they are playing to safeguard their own interests. We need to convey these traitors that “partners in crime” can, in no way, be our saviors and their hollow slogans of “healing touch”, “battle of ideas” and “autonomy parroting” has, long back, lost its sheen for us.

    They should feel the pulse and heat of the betrayal they continue to do with our people for the last 70 years.

    Q.3: GOI and the state government are looking to have softened their stand viz a viz holding negotiations. Is Hurriyat ready for talks?

    I don’t know where from you feel the softness of the iron-fist of Government of India. Our stand is more than clear as recently during Iqbal Day seminar at Hyderpora, I once again clarified that if GoI accepts the disputed nature of Jammu and Kashmir and show sincerity to resolve this long pending issue, they will always find the pro-freedom camp a step ahead. But as of now there seems no change in the barbaric and military approach of Delhi rulers. We are not shying away from negotiations, but butchering our youth on daily basis, maiming and blinding innocents and incarcerating the entire pro-freedom camp, forcing them to submission in the name of dialogue, is never going to yield anything positive.

    Q.4: Army Chief has recently said that nothing can be achieved through force. How do you look at the statement?

    We have been saying same for the last 7 decades that force and oppressive measures have never subjugated any nation for ever and if today Indian army chief has realized this hard fact, it should be seen practically on the streets of the state. Otherwise mere media hype of personalities without any concrete action is only to hoodwink the populace. We wish this message should be conveyed to the hyper-nationalist political class of Delhi and they should be made to realize the clear and unambiguous writing on the wall.
    We are subjugated to the worst treatment by Indian ruling class, for repeatedly demanding to end this forced occupation and concentrate on peaceful resolution of the issue. Their local henchmen have always played “more loyal than the king” role in torturing and forcing the whole nation into subjugation. But highest Indian military authority has proved, beyond doubt, our narrative right.

    Q.5: Focus has shifted from Civilian and militant killings to Kathua rape case. Do you think the Day to day protests in Colleges, Schools despite govt. Claiming to have done enough to ensure justice to the victim are justified?

    Kathua rape and murder has exposed the communal mindset of the accused and their supporters. The heinous crime and its gravity has crossed all limits and even words fail to describe this soul-crushing and unfortunate incident. Protests by the youth especially students is only to get justice, which this poor and innocent kid and its family deserve. Past history and similar shameful incidents in length and breadth of the state have all been hushed up. Be it Kunan Poshpora, Asia Neelofar or others, not a single culprit has been brought to book. Despite repeated assurances from the ruling class, victims still struggle for justice. GoI has always used these incidents as war weapons and to satisfy their majority population, rape and molestation have always been seen through the prism of nationalism and every crime against us especially by the “Worshipers of Sita” is justified and culprits instead of punishment get the bravery rewards.
    As per recent media reports, Supreme Court of India seems to has surrendered to the demand of the fascist and communal forces and have signaled to refer the case to CBI. Jammu lawyers who openly, in broad-day-light, under media glare, tried to interfere in filling charge sheet against the culprits, have also been given a clean chit. CBI, as in Asia Neelofar case and other similar cases, will surely try to burry, this case as well, under the debris of hyper-nationalism and security narrative. Otherwise the accused have been identified and they have confessed their heinous crime and there seems no need to delay the trail in the garb of further investigations. Sang Parivar’s stalwarts have said on record that filling any criminal case especially rape against armed forces in Jammu and Kashmir can demoralize them and will jeopardize their efforts to hold the Kashmir by force. This is how the rulers and men at the helm of affairs prove, beyond doubt, their sick, biased and communal mindset. Kashmiries have bitter and horrible experience of judicial onslaught and victimization by the highest courts. We have seen the verdicts, sending Kashmiries to gallows, just to satisfy their collective conscience compelling us to be skeptical when our cases are referred and heard in these judicial houses.

    Q.6: Working under a joint forum JRL has removed the misconception and differences in the separatist camp. Don’t you see it as an opportunity to gear up for a decisive strategy for holding negotiations with centre?

    Every pro-freedom party or individual including JRL have always supported any realistic move. As we are in dire need of peace, we will never shy-away from any meaningful and purposeful dialogue aimed solely for resolving this long pending issue. As already said the only peaceful democratic and credible way to solve this problem is asking the people to decide their future through an impartial plebiscite or a meaningful and focused dialogue between all the three parties to the dispute i.e. India, Pakistan and Kashmiries.

    Q.7: You had recently claimed that an IB officer had approached you for talks. Could you please elaborate and do you think that this was an attempt by GOI to engage Hurriyat in negotiations?

    An IB officer had come to meet me at my residence, the details of which have already been made public through media and there is nothing more than that.

    Q.8: More and more youth are joining militancy. Do you consider it an alarming trend?

    Youth especially highly educated and professionals are joining armed struggle. If you analyze and dig deep into this issue majority of these young boys have said that they can’t sustain the humiliation and ill treatment by the men in uniform. Nocturnal raids, third degree torture in custody, daily attendances in police stations and harassment of their families have forced them to wage a war against this barbarism and injustice. Young blood is always energetic and explosive and when they lose patience and hope in the system, they often take an extreme step.

    Another Important and basic reason is the continuous denial of the ground realities, turning a deaf ear to the genuine and fundamental demands of the people, choking the voice of young generation and deceitfully labeling the outrage as the outcome of unemployment and economic deprivation has put the youth in a tight rope to react. Some react in streets by protests, others give vent their anger on social media while others take to arms.

    Q.9: You have advocating for a peaceful resolution of the issue and even given a five point formula to work upon. Do you think it would be acceptable to GOI and Pakistan?

    Our five point formula makes a basic and concrete foundation for a peaceful, democratic and honourable settlement of the issue. If GoI is sincere in resolving this issue they should have no hesitation in accepting it. It needs the caliber and courage of a statesman to take bold and realistic moves. Those, who are slaves of power and slide too low to lure their vote bank, cannot be expected to address complex issues, as these politicians look for next elections, while a statesman thinks and cares for next generation. As for as Pakistan is concerned, they have always stood for peaceful and negotiated settlement of Kashmir dispute. It is only India which through its aggression and military might have always sabotaged any meaningful and result oriented engagement. They engage people only to discredit them and cement their own pawns in the state.

    Q.10: You have nominated Mr. Sehraie as TEH Chairman. Could it be construed as your move to make him your successor in Hurriyat (G) also?

    You are ill-informed. After I stepped down from the chairmanship of Tehreek-e-Hurriyat, it is Shoora (the highest decision making body of TeH), who unanimously selected Sehraie Sahab as their interim chairman till next party elections are held.
    All Parties Hurriyat Conference is a collective forum of about two dozen pro-freedom parties and it has its own electoral system, which is being followed as per its constitution. When need arises its constitution will guide them accordingly.

    Q.11: Police has now confirmed that ISIS has got some sympathizers in Valley. Don’t you think this as a very dangerous development which has the potential of changing the Indigenous character of the movement?

    We have time and again clarified our stand that ours is an indigenous movement based on international commitments and historical background. We demand the promises made to us by Indian rulers and resolutions passed in UN Organizations be respected, honoured and fulfilled by occupation forces. We have no global agenda and our movement is strictly confined to the contours of our freedom from the forced and armed occupation of India. After we get rid of this oppression and slavery, our sole motto will be to peacefully strive for justice and equality for every individual without any discrimination of region and religion, color and creed, gender and ethnicity. World has tried to adopt and advocate various means and ways to stabilize the shattered and fractured society but have miserably failed. We honestly, rightly and firmly believe that Islam is the only way of life which has the potential of solution of every problem mankind is facing. It is complete in every respect and stands guarantee for universal peace, harmony and brotherhood, ailing and crying humanity is craving for. We will always strive and struggle to establish and flourish this system of life.

    Courtesy: Kashmir Magazine

  • Gun, Violence Will Lead to Social Disorder

    At a time when alliance partners of Jammu and Kashmir government are divided on the investigation of the rape and murder of an eight year old Kathua girl , the Jammu and Kashmir police , which is in the ye of storm, has maintained that crime has been committed and justice will be done. The state Police Chief Dr. S.P Vaid in a conversation with The Kashmir Magazine spoke on many issues including the girl’s gruesome rape and murder case. Here are the excerpts

    Q : Don’t you think the repeated protests on the investigation of Asifa case is an attempt to dent the image of J&K Police .

    Ans : The Crime branch has professionally investigated the case and presented the challan in the Kathua Court . I regret that some people are trying to give it religious and political colour. A crime has been committed with a little child and whosoever is involved, it is the duty of crime branch and the J&K Police to investigate the matter and present it before court which we have done. The court will now decide about the punishment.

    Q: Why are some people repeatedly asking for the CBI investigation instead of JKP?

    Ans : What will CBI do, which J&K Police is not capable of doing ? If J&K Police can fight with militants, why can’t it hold investigations? People must repose faith in police. JKP is being considered as the best Police in India. So I don’t agree with them.

    Q : But despite repeated protests and disruptions, why the police is not taking action against those who obstruct the investigations?

    Ans : We have lodged an FIR has been lodged against lawyers who obstructed Crime Branch in filing Chalan in Kathua Court..

    Q : When you claim that J&K Police is The Best Force in the country, why should you call NSG for counter-insurgency operations in Valley .?

    Ans : NSG is an expert force in room intervention. The idea to bring them in counterinsurgency operations is that to avoid damages to the houses in urban areas particularly in Srinagar City. They will be part of the joint force of J&K Police and CRPF but the overall control and command would be with J&K Police.

    Q : The Chief Minster has according to reports recently issued directives to persuade local militants for surrender . Don’t you think, bringing NSG in operations would minimize the chances of surrender?

    Ans : They will be called only when the room intervention is required.

    Q : After recent Shopian killings , the forces allegedly went inside the college and school campus and hospitals. Don’t you think it would provoke students more and deteriorate the situation further?

    Ans : My strict instruction are not to go inside the schools and colleges campus. I will talk to IGP on this issue because children are to be dealt very carefully. Regarding hospital, we had probably information of the presence of an injured militant in the hospital. This is an Unfortunate incident but in this case too, I have issued a detailed instruction as what strategy needs to be adopted under such circumstances.

    Q : More Youth are coming out from homes to help militants break the cordon and many are joining the militants ranks. Don’t you think there should an alternate to military approach for an outreach .?

    Ans : Yes there must. But everything cannot be done by police and everything should not be left on police. Civil society, mature and intelligent people in the society have to come forward and pave way for an outreach that would minimize the military approach. Gun and violence will bring destruction in society. I appeal to intelligent and mature people of society to come forward and tell these boys that gun will bring nothing but destruction.
    Everything can’t be done by police, unfortunately, in Jammu and Kashmir, everything has been left upon police. Police has a limited mandate of investigation and submission of challans. Even fighting ‘terrorism’ is also not our duty, we are caught in it by compulsion because situation has emerged like that. Otherwise this is also not police’s job.
    In Kashmir valley, everything should not be left on police, that is why I am telling that good people should introspect and think seriously why our future generation is lost and why parents lose their children.

    Q ; Police has been maintaining that ISIS has not presence in Valley. But now you claim to have arrested some supporters of Zakir Musa group. Has your position on ISIS presence in Valley changed?

    Ans : Social media reach has gone worldwide. It is not in Kashmir only and anybody can get radicalized anywhere in the world. Ideology of ISIS and Al-Qaida is available on social media which has influenced some people but there is no physical infrastructure which would indicate that ISIS or al-Qaida has established any separate set up in Valley. Yes some youth are affected with that ideology which is not good for Kashmir. And naturally this a path of destruction.

    Courtesy: The Kashmir Magazine

  • Panchayat polls must for democracy, development

    Q: What about the Panchayat Polls?

    The Government has not taken a final decision till now but i have come to know about the Chief Ministers announcement on holding of Panchayat elections in the State. Local self governance is must for development and police is ready to play its role in the conduct of peaceful Panchayat elections in the State.

    Q: Keeping in view the inability of the government in the conduct of Parliamentary by-election for Anantnat Parliamentary constituency. Is it possible to hold Panchayat elections in the present atmosphere in Kashmir?

    Panchayat elections are different than the parliamentary and assembly elections. Panchayat elections are being fought on non party basis and people keen to see their involvement in the implementation of developmental programms will show interest in Panchayat elections.

    Q: Can the government conduct violence free elections for reconstituting Panchayats in Kashmir?

    Some day or the other elections have to be held as Panchayat elections are must for local self governance. I was happy to see National Conference President and former Chief Minister Dr Farooq Abdullah welcoming the decision of the government on the conduct of Panchayat elections in the State.

    Q: Is atmosphere conducive for Panchayat elections?

    The decision of holding Panchayat elections is taken collectively by different institutions working for the strengthening of democracy and fast basing developmental programmes in the State. No one is opposed to the idea of holding Panchayat elections in the State. I am part of the decision making process but i alone can’t take a decision on the conduct of Panchayat elections in the State. The decision has to be taken collectively by all concerned and i hope we will find ways and means to create conducive atmosphere for Panchayat elections in the State.

    Q:What about operation all out?

    “I need not to talk much as the situation itself indicates that a perceptible change is visible on the ground. People are the best judges and all know that the security situation has improved. The situation in Kashmir is gradually showing signs of normalcy and the cooperation of the people has helped the government in restoring the situation in Kashmir Valley.”

    Q: Does credit go to police or people?

    First credit goes to people but police working in cooperation with the people deserve full compliments for work it has done to improve the situation on ground. Without cooperation of general public the situation won’t have improved but sacrifices of cops and officers have equally contributed to the restoration of peace in Kashmir Valley.

    Q: What about the amnesty of stone pelters?

    Progress on the procedures followed to facilitate the release of first time stone pelters is being reviewed from time to time with district SPs. The prosecuting officers and Chief Prosecuting officers are completing the legal formalities required for the release of first time stone pelters. The release of youth arrested on charges of stone pelting is the priority. They are my children and Their carrier is the priority of all of us. We have no apprehensions about the release of stone pelters as we believe that an opportunity should be given to them to live a normal life. Wrongs can be rectified and wrong doers if again tend to take the path of violence they will be dealt under law.

    Q: What about drug trafficking?

    “Drug trafficking is much bigger a challenge than militancy and drive against drug trafficking is part of operation all out. Many cases have been registered but it’s very difficult to bring back drug peddlers. Infact bringing back a militant from the path of violence is much easier than bringing back a drug peddler to normal life.  To curb drug trafficking the police department has established twenty drug de-addiction centres in every district and the drive against drug peddlers has been initiated on a war footing basis. We have sought the cooperation of the health department and the judiciary in fighting the drug menace across the state.”

    Q: What are the reasons of Drug trafficking?

    The main reason for unprecedented rise in drug trafficking is the lust of youth for money. High quality drugs like heroine are being smuggled from across the border and we have apprehensions that drugs could also be used to boost militancy in the State. One high quality drug “Chitta” has been recovered from Poonch and Rajouri areas of Jammu region and some areas of Kashmir Valley. Concerted efforts are on to curb the menace of drug trafficking with a heavy hand in both the Kashmir and Jammu divisions of the State.

    Q: What about the recruitment of ten thousand SPOs announced recently?

    I have come to know about it only through media. The government is yet to issue an order for the appointment of SPOs.

    Q: What about restrictions on separatists?

    I deny allegations of restrictions on separatists. They are allowed to walk free but not the way peace would be threatened by their activities. We have restricted their movements only when they call for shutdowns and protests in different parts of Kashmir Valley as otherwise we don’t want to restrict their political activities and visits to shrines and mosques.
    Courtesy: Kashmir Magazine

  • Meet Manzoor Ahmed Wangnoo

    ‘When Bill Clinton visited India, he met me before meeting the PM’

    Manzoor Ahmed Wangnoo, founder National Cottage Emporium (NEC) enjoys the distinction of being the only Kashmiri trader the US President Bill Clinton met before calling on the Prime Minister of India when he visited New Delhi in 2000. Wangnoo, a devote Muslim, who owns a chain of shops of Kashmir Art in New Delhi says: “When Bill Clinton visited India, he met me before meeting the Prime Minister. He spent 45 minutes at our shop in Maurya Sheraton at New Delhi and made purchases.” “I showed President Clinton a carpet with more than 7000 knots per square foot that he was ready to purchase. But I politely declined and told him that it’s a symbol of our heritage and I want to preserve it.” The next day New York Times carried a story, “Let there be a world record: Before meeting the Prime Minister, President Clinton met a Kashmiri dealer.” Wangnoo said Hillary Clinton wife of the former US President first came to his shop in 1995 and after that she became a regular customer. Wangnoo believes that quality and honesty are key to success in business. “My business has spread because my customers made me popular and never complained about the stuff which they purchased.” Tracing his humble beginning to selling of paper machie items to tourists at the world famous Dal Lake in 1973, Wangnoo says he has never raised any loan from any financial institution. “Almighty Allah has been kind enough to us and till today He has always showered his choicest blessings on our family business,” Wangnoo says. He says: “My father and my brothers have been my strength and all of us together have successfully treaded the business path. We faced crunch situations on many occasions but we never approached any financial institution for assistance.” After completing his schooling in 1973, Wangnoo was offered a government job. “I didn’t take it up and preferred to start my own business. For first three years I used to sell paper machie products to the tourists at the world famous Dal Lake and in winters I used to go to Delhi with my consignments.” In 1975 Wangnoo entered into a partnership with a widow, who owned a shop in hotel Imperial in New Delhi. But in 1977 the hotel carried out some expansion work and the shop was demolished. Wangnoo who has won three international awards and very recently has been awarded a KCCI certificate of appreciation says, “My dream of owning a shop in Kashmir came true in the year 1978 after Auqaf committee announced to auction the shops along Boulevard road.” Wangnoo, who has been active in carrying out a campaign for preserving Dal lake over past some time says, “My father supported me and borrowed from his friends to make sure that I buy the shop. Our business started picking up and there was no looking back after that.” In early nineties Wangnoo along with his employees and artisans shifted to New Delhi, as there was a decline in number of tourists visiting the state. “We had to restart our business journey from New Delhi and with blessings of Almighty Allah today our family owns chain of shops in top hotels of New Delhi.” Giving credit to the artisans and employees for the success of his family business, Wangnoo says, “First it’s Allah whom I am thankful to and then it’s my artisans and workers who through their relentless efforts made our family business a success.” (GK Business under ‘Business Leaders of Kashmir’ will be doing a series on the success stories of people who have carved a niche in business over decades despite hiccups and have emerged as leaders in different sectors.) 

  • Feeling suffocated and disturbed : Muzaffer Beigh

    ‘May quit, if taken for granted’

    ‘Disturbed ‘ and ‘stressed’ with PDP’s ‘inability’ to live up to the expectations of the Public, Senior PDP leader and one of the architects of the Party, Muzaffer Hussain Beigh has said, the day he feels that his dignity and  honor was ‘compromised’ and his suggestions not taken seriously, he would quit the party. The stalwart leader who was once considered as the most trusted lieutenant of former Chief Minster late Mufti Muhammad Syed revealed that many other ministers and leaders of incumbent PDP dispensation have meaningfully drifted apart, though, “Nothing can be predicted”.
    Terming the present PDP dispensation as ‘unpopular’ and ‘ineffective’ as compared to that of the Mufti Mohammad Syed led unit in 2002, Beigh said, he was feeling ‘suffocated’ and ‘stressed’ with the crises PDP was currently in. The former Deputy Chief Minster in his exclusive interview with The Kashmir Magazine said that the PDP had been formed with great hopes and was nurtured by the former Chief Minster late Mufti Mohammad Syed along with many other founding members including him (Beigh) to provide a vibrant political alternative to the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He however, regretted that the same PDP looked like a ‘scattered unit’ with visibly no centrifugal force with many leaders trying to create their own power houses within the party. The revelations of Mr. Beigh have come to fore just a few days after he took on, many senior Party ministers asking them to mend their ways as their ‘internal bickering’ had caused a huge damage to the party leaving  the party workers ‘confused’ and ‘dejected’. During his speech to the Party’s ‘electoral college’ that had assembled to elect President of the party, Beigh had advised party men to bring unity in the camp and had regretted that it was painful to see the  ‘infighting’.
    ““During my speech, I stressed for unity as I had been getting inputs that everything was not well in the party and many ministers were not even in talking terms with each other.” Beigh told this Magazine, adding that the situation was disturbing for the party as well as for workers who have sacrificed everything for this Party. He said that since he was one of the founder members of the party, therefore he was duty bound to point out the weaknesses and strengths of the party so that the president and the workers are not misled. The Parliamentarian said, “I began my speech with a very lighter note so that some humor is brought in the meeting, but what I said was in no way a casual thing. I said that there is a perception that everything is not going well in the party as many ministers are not even in talking terms with each other. We have three ministers in the cabinet who are relatives to each other and surprisingly, they are not talking to each other,” said Beigh, adding that even workers told him that if they go to one minster, the other gets annoyed. The former Deputy Chief Minster said that he had requested the most senior ministers among the three to take a lead in making efforts for reconciliation.
    He said while drawing a comparison between the Late Mufti led government of 2002 and the incumbent Mehbooba led government, he urged the ministers and leaders to pause and see what the people were thinking of that regime and today’s government. The parliamentarian stressed that militancy was even then yet people were satisfied with the governance which satisfaction was someway missing now. Beigh said the ‘perception’ of the people regarding governance of the incumbent government was not encouraging and added that ministers must ask themselves, why the perception about their performance was so negative .
    “Perception of our governance is worse than our performance.” He said, adding that there was no mechanism in place where the PDP government could not only repulse the ‘hyper negativity’ of the perception but also is able to propagate its achievements to the best satisfaction of the people. Beigh said suggesting that there must be a counter narrative to the ‘wrong perception’ with regard to performance.
    “Sometimes the negativity of the perception causes more damage than the actual failures in the governance. We are lacking that skill. I suggested a team of leaders should be tasked to remove the misperception pertaining to governance, and help the government in propagating the positive aspect of governance.” Beigh said, hoping the party regains the popularity it enjoyed during the times of Mufti led government in 2002, but he quickly added that the present government was way behind the previous 2002 Mufti Government viz a viz governance and popularity.
    “We were a unit then, we too had different opinions but our difference if any, never went to public or had any adverse effect on the governance and our delivery. We would work as a team which is, I think missing in this regime.” Stressed Beigh, who was the key figure in then cabinet. when asked what went wrong this time, the parliamentarian said, that barring a few, they are all ‘first time’ ministers who do not have so much of experience, but according to Beigh what has made the things worse was the ‘ infighting’ in the Party and the sad demise of Mufti Muhammad Syed.
    “Even Mehbooba Mufti had never been in Cabinet before and no matter how intelligent you are, delivery is something different.” He added.
    “I understand, Mehbooba Mufti was hugely upset emotionally due to loss of Mufti Sahab, as he was not her father only but a good friend too. But what pains me, that none of the ministers took the responsibility to advice her about the governance during that period, and that this where we lost the plot.” Said the former Deputy Chief Minster. He added that Mehbooba was left alone to fight not only the emotional battle within her but also the circumstances that emerged due to turmoil soon after she took the reins.
    When asked why didn’t he come forward and help Mehbooba come out of the crises, Beigh hinted that he had already been sidelined and there was nothing for him to offer.
    “ I am in Parliament.. Can’t interfere in governance. I can only give suggestions which I am doing occasionally.” Said Beigh, adding that during his address to electoral college also, he argued that People would judge PDP on the basis of its ‘political agenda’ and ‘performance’ and asked every party leader to peep into his own heart and reply to his conscious whether we have fulfilled our promises on both fronts.?
    “PDP was formed to seek resolution of Kashmir Issue. But in contrast we hear statements of various parties and leaders of other parties like BJP on abolition of Article 370, 35-A. how is this going to help.?”
    Beigh however said that the PDP’s self rule now looked like an ‘obsolete’ document as the idea was never going to be possible unless Hurriyat and Pakistan accepted it.
    “Some Congress leaders during PDP-Congress government sabotaged the self rule proposal and stopped Dr. Manmohan Singh from working on it. Dr. Singh had begun working on it, but some Congress leaders in New Delhi didn’t allow him.” revealed Beigh, adding that it was unlikely that Self rule would be a successful viable option unless Hurriyat and Pakistan supports it. He stressed that Hurriyat must be taken on board to ensure any progress in the dialogue process. When asked why the PDP did not stress for the implementation of Agenda of Alliance with BJP, Beigh revealed that he had no idea what the two parties had agreed upon before entering into alliance.
    “ I was completely sidelined. On Dec.28th 2014, Mufti Sahab in the presence of Mehbooba Ji had told me to get document prepared for my preliminary negotiations with BJP. On January 1st 2015, I was told by Mehbooba Ji that I should stay back and some other person had been chosen to speak to BJP. I don’t know why they did so, but yes I was sidelined, therefore I do not have any knowledge about the terms and conditions of the engagement with BJP.
    However, what I know surely is that prior to alliance with Congress in 2002, I had worked tirelessly to get the agreement documented. The alliance with Congress was successful and impactful because we had made then Prime Minster Dr. Manmohan Singh along with some senior Congress leaders to sign on the CMP, which unfortunately is missing this time.” Said the parliamentarian. He added, that when he was first told that he would speak to BJP on behalf of the party, he had an idea that he would put forth his demands followed by a request of a direct meeting between Prime Minster Narendra Modi, BJP President Amit Shah and Mufti Mohammad Syed and Mehbooba Mufti. Beigh, however regretted that nothing of that sort happened and everything went down the drain.
    He pointed out that the real problem of alliance is that Late Mufti Mohammad Syed and Mehbooba Mufti did not personally negotiate the terms of alliance with Narendra Modi and Amit Shah. There was no understanding at the top. Infact this problem this problem was further complicated as there was no meeting between the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and then Chief Minster Mufti Mohammad Syed during the nine months that Mufti was in Chair. In the absence of such meeting and interaction between the Prime Minister and then Chief Minster, and therefore no awareness and appreciation of each other’s stand relating to nature of Kashmir Problem. Beigh said that during his speech before the electoral college, he requested Mehbooba to try to undo that failure by trying to convince the leaders like Narendra Modi, Amit Shah and other leaders of BJP that Article 370 and 35_A, are not only beneficial for the people of Jammu as well as Kashmir, but are not at all harmful for the interest of nation. He hoped that Mehbooba will take the suggestions seriously ,otherwise “ Our” Opponents and the people at large will conclude that PDP was and is interested only in getting some power and not in addressing the basic issue of our state which has resulted in addressing the basic issue  of our state which has resulted in the death of many thousands of youth and , young men and security personale , a situation that is becoming worse day by day .He however, expressed satisfaction that during the last some months, killing of civilians , firing of pellets and stone pelting incidents have diminished. He said that the need of the hour is to consolidate this temporary peace into a permanent solution.
    Regarding his stand on Bureaucracy, the PDP leader said, “My view that Kashmiri officers should not be sidelined is not based on Communal considerations, but in utilitarian considerations. The local officers know the ground situation better than the Non local officers, who are also competent but do not know the ground reality.”
    Muzaffer Beigh also said that a certain section of Jammu based Muslims particularly Gujjars are feeling “insecure” and there is a need to restore their confidence. He however, said that a great alliance with BJP has been that on various occasions, when there was threat of communal riots, but that didn’t happen because of BJP. He added, that a great backlash would have happened when Amaranth Yatris were killed in valley, but BJP co trolled it. Beigh further told Kashmir Magazine that “We must thank BJP for the role, they played including the Union Home Minster to ensure that no anti-Muslim Communal riots take place.
    Courtesy: Kashmir Magazine
  • ‘I Broke The Back Of Militancy In J&K’

    In our brutalised society, when we think of a cop, we conjure up an image of a cynical, aggressive, suspicious and conservative person. Sporting short hair, strict facial expression and a well-decorated uniform, Ashkoor Wani, Inspector General of Police, CIV, in a conversation with Ajaz Rashid Kashmir Scan, shares some memorable ‘lighter’ moments from his life and career.

    KS) Where were you born? What are your earliest memories from childhood?  

    AW) I was born and my upbringing took place in a far-flung village named Dugnoo of Kathua district. The village even today has no roads and no transport facility but the electricity has recently been provided to the area. During my childhood, we had only one school in our village and that too was up to 5th I used to walk ten kilometres every day to reach the higher secondary school in Bilawar.

    After completing graduation from Kathua College, I did M.A Economics from Jammu University. In my entire village, I was the first student to reach the level of matriculation and so was the first government employee of my time. I had limited desires which a common middle-class person can think of. To become a high-ranked police officer was never in my mind but it was perhaps written in destiny for me.

    During my education, I had aimed to become a teacher or the highest I could think was a college professor. It was my luck that in 1981, I appeared for civil services exam and got selected for Kashmir Police Services in 1982.

    KS) After becoming a police officer, what kind of lifestyle changes you had to make? Was it tougher?AW) After joining the police academy, I stepped into a new world with strict rules, discipline and hierarchy. In my initial professional career, I was discouraged by other batch mates who mostly belonged to well settled and educated families. At the academy, I thought I would always be an average police officer but later on, I realised that only hard work and dedication towards your profession can give you success.

    KS) So you think hard-work always pays?

     AW) I am the officer who during my tenure got the fastest promotion of SSP in just nine months and that was only because of my hard work and better performance.

    KS) Who has inspired you the most in your career as a police officer?

     AW) I was hugely inspired by senior officers and the most I liked were two IPS officers of 1984 batch namely K Ilangoo and K Rajindra. I learnt a lot from them. During my tenure, I was posted in various areas of J&K and there is not a single one which he didn’t enjoy. I was never after any prime posting and liked everything whatever I was assigned with. I have enjoyed every bot of it, whether it was a prime one or any ordinary positing

    KS) Do you think you have achieved what you aspired for?

    AW) Though I am not a daydreamer or ambitious, I got everything whatever I desired, by the grace of Allah. During my police career, I desired to be a successful police officer and I can say that Ashkoor Wani is being counted as one of the best police officers of the state.

    KS) What has been your role in tackling insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir?

    AW) As far as militancy is considered, as SP Operation, I have played a vital role in eliminating militants and their commanders. My tenure as SP was during the peak of militancy of 90s which was a greater challenge for me as a police officer. Though I got death threats and was a prime target for militants, I, without caring, succeeded in eliminating some of the top commanders including Hizbul Mujahidin Deputy Supreme Commander Mohd Yousuf alias Naseebu Din Gazi.

    SOG and STF have played a great role in breaking the morale of militancy during 90’s. I still remember that one of the dreaded militant, Ghulam Rasool Shah alias General Abdullah of Haihama, Kupwara, presently in Pakistan, has authored a book in which he has written a chapter titled ‘Ashkoor Wani Jallad’ (Ashkoor Wani an Executioner).

    Though Ashkoor is a tough police officer in the field, but at the same time, he is as common at home and in social circles as we all are. I am altogether different outside the office, especially at home. I love to help family members during work, even in domestic work.

    KS) Tell us about your hobbies?

    AW) I love to spend time at my dairy farm and vegetable garden. I am not good at cooking but I am good in making Makki ki Roti (corn chappatis). Though I don’t have many hobbies but golf is an addiction. Besides golf, after my retirement, I would like to visit Europe and other beautiful countries with my family.

    During 35 years of police service, I have seen various phases of Kashmir conflict. I have seen the worst phase of militancy, some normalcy, a new phase of militancy and the recent uncontrollable law and order situation.

    KS) What is your message to the people of J&K?

    AW) As an officer, I want to convey a message of religious brotherhood to the people of J&K. We are the largest democracy in the world and so is in our state. We are free to practice any religion, custom, tradition and, most of all, our lifestyle. This kind of life is not easy in Pakistan or any other Muslim country. We should not get indulged in regional differences or religious differences. Doing this, we are deteriorating our future.

    Courtesy: Kashmir Scan
  • This Kashmiri’s Company is one of the Top Brand-Rating Companies in Asia

    Don’t settle for something you are not passionate about and never be afraid of taking risks. Personally I think this generation from Kashmir is doing pretty well, with a lot of them venturing into fields whether that be of business, art or social work that were hard to think of a few years back.

    Tell us about yourself

    My name is Asif Var, I am the Founder and Director Business & Strategy at White Page International.

    I am basically from HMT in Srinagar. I belong to a working class family, my father works in a bank while my mother is a teacher. I did my schooling from Srinagar British School till 10th and after that 10+2 from Tyndale Biscoe School, Srinagar. After completing my graduation from S P College, Srinagar I moved to United Kingdom to pursue management degree in International Marketing & Project Management. While studying at University of Cardiff I had an opportunity to intern with M& M Associates that introduced me to the world of branding and advertising. Post my MBA I had the opportunity to work with some of the reputed firms like Compass Group, M&M Associates in the UK and Economic Times in India.

    Give us a little insight about Whitepage International 

    In 2013 after working with a number firms we felt there was a void in the industry for a credible research based branding platform in the market. We saw an opportunity and we grabbed it. 

    White Page International is a consulting firm with a diverse portfolio that includes brand consulting, print advertising, brand Shows, creative advertorial promotions, PR and research. White Page Consulting was born out of the need to create platforms for brands to communicate with their audiences in a manner that is easily understood. We work with media houses like CNN News18, India Today TV and ET Now to brand shows along big 4 consulting firms like Ernest & Young and PwC to create some of the best branding platforms in Asia.

    In 2017 we released  5th edition of  ‘Most Admired Brands & Leaders’ coffee table book at our 2017 The Brand and Leadership Conclave which features the epic journey of prominent brands and leaders across Asia. It is research based listing of 100 Brands across 25 categories from 16 countries in Asia, research was conducted on an initial list of 2,000 brands.

    Watch full episode of India Brand & Leadership Conclave by Whitepage International on India Today Tv at 4:30 pm on 25th & 26th March 2017.

    You quit your full time job to do something of your own, tell us about that

     Those fancy salaries, fancy business-class flights and fancy five-star hotels were tempting, but not tempting enough to break my dream of doing something of my own. If  you don’t enjoy what you are doing, no point of doing it, that is why I quit my job.

    I will be honest though, with the mindset we dwell in, quitting the job felt like a big risk. On that if you have friends and family who are not entrepreneurs, they won’t truly understand what you are trying to achieve and the public pressure will start going even higher.

    We had to go through difficult times initially at WhitePage and on that managing the expenses in a metro like Delhi was not easy for the months. It all started to get better when we were up and running at WhitePage.

    Being a Kashmiri its not easy to quit your job and go after your passion, how did you tackle LUK Kya Wanan epidemic

    Initially I used to care so much about what other people think of me– so much that it would lose my focus towards my goal.  On that it was also a quite a task to convince my parents what I was doing was right and it was going to work out. Like any other Kashmiri parents they wanted me to have a job security.

    But then I realized that if you care too much about what others think of you and your work, you will waste your time trying to prove that you are or will be successful instead of focusing on your startup. 

    Alhamdulilah we have done well as a company in last couple of years. However, my parents still remain skeptical Yi Chuon Kaar Chun Aasi Samjhi Yiwaan.

    What difference do you feel between working for someone and working for yourself?

    I must say that when you work for yourself every day is a new challenge, it brings in a whole lot of responsibilities. You learn every step of the way, you grow as your company grows. 

    Speaking of the perks of having something of your own is that it’s your gig and you’re the boss,  who would mind to work the days you want and take off the days you don’t? Also their is a freedom to build your business around the life you choose. Yes – you’re free to build your work around your Ideal Life; instead of letting your work dictate the life you’re supposed to live. No more chains to hold you down. 

    Who is the team behind WPI?

    I started it with two other colleagues of mine Sarmad Zargar and Shahid Bhat. White Page team is a mix of young exuberant individuals and old experienced industry experts, the work place is lot of fun, we enjoy what we do. With teams in Delhi and Mumbai and consulting partners in Singapore, Dubai and London  it a mix of work and play.

    What are your future projects ?

    Our next target is the Infra and Education summit in Mumbai and we head to London in the later part of the year where we are currently working on a brand research project with UK Asian Business Council.

    Any message for the people reading this ?

    Don’t settle for something you are not passionate about and never be afraid of taking risks. Personally I think this generation from Kashmir is doing pretty well, with a lot of them venturing into fields whether that be of business, art or social work that were hard to think of a few years back.

    So to all of them work hard, relish your experiences at work and in life, there is no better time or moment than now.

    By arrangement with the

  • ‘Negativity’ by national media dented Kashmir tourism: Mahmood Shah

    The old adage that Kashmir is the ‘paradise on earth’ also holds true during present times. Who would not like to visit the ‘paradise on earth’? Unfortunately, political unrests, encounters, bomb explosions, Indian forces’ human rights violations, insurgents, militants, amongst others have put the ‘Paradise’ in news for all the ‘wrong reasons’. The national media, in an appetite to scale commercial gains, usually is blowing these ‘incidents’ out of the proportion which has dented the ‘paradise’ adversely. The negative perceptions being clouded by the media have confronted the tourism industry in the state with multi-faceted challenges. Besides exonerative serenity and breath taking scenic beauty, Jammu and Kashmir is the only state in the country with Sufi circuit, Buddhist circuit and Temple circuit making it the ‘potential pilgrim destination’. The rugged geography and the tough climate have made the territory popular in the world for ‘adventure tourism’. Kashmir Magazine tried to get answers to these pertinent questions hovering around these challenges amongst others confronting the Jammu and Kashmir tourism industry from Director, Department of Tourism, Mahmood Ahmad Shah. Here are the excerpts from the exclusive interview:

    The tourism industry in the state is facing several challenges. The big­gest challenge before the industry is to demystify the ‘narratives’ put for­ward by the national media regard­ing the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The national media portrays the state as ‘a terror state’, ‘a militant state’, ‘a stone-pelter state’, etc. In attracting the domestic and international trav­elers and tourists, such narratives act as ‘inhibitors’. Tourism and terrorism does not go together. There is urgen­cy for a counter-narrative to protect the tourism industry of the state. What are your preparations in this regard?

    The biggest challenge confront­ing the tourism industry is the neg­ative perceptions. People who want to come here are somehow discour­aged by the constant negativity in the national media. So our biggest chal­lenge is to dilute these negative per­ceptions about the destination. We have to endeavour and set our house in order because every now and then the state is in the news for all the bad things like encounters, bullet-firings, etc. But at the same time some in­cidents are being blown out of the proportion which has dented us a lot in the form of reducing the annual tourist influx. We have been adverse­ly affected by the recent killings of Amarnath yatris in Pahalgam which aggravated the negative perceptions about the state. Unless and until we don’t send a signal that the tourists are safe here, we will not be able in attract­ing the higher tourist influx.

    My question was what your prepara­tions to kill this negative perception are. Apart from print and broadcast media, the new media has enormous negative content regarding Kashmir. What are your strategies to tackle this?

    There are various strategies to tackle this challenge. First, to get the content writers, bloggers and people from print and electronic media to this place so that they can themselves wit­nesses the ground reality and report accordingly. In this regard, we have already brought fifty odd journalists from different parts of the country to the valley to acclimatize them with the ground reality. Second strategy is that we have to go to the length and breadth of the country, visit the marts, interact with the travel agents and the people and build the positive per­ception about the destination. Third strategy is running advertising cam­paigns in print and electronic media to dilute this negative perception. The fourth strategy of negativity dilution is highlighting the positive aspects re­garding the destination that can be dis­seminated again through mainstream and social media. We have been very aggressive and interactive over social media for last few months. We are us­ing the tourist experience and reviews as an important message to attract the reluctant visitors. We are also request­ing the national media to tap the posi­tive stories and highlight them as well.

    The reviews and experience of the tourist who visited the state amidst the net of negativity can be used to counter the ‘negativity’ of national media re­garding the state especially the Kash­mir valley.

    We have to do whatever we can to shed this negativity regarding the des­tination. We are trying our level best to highlight the positive stories and no such positive story should get unno­ticed.

    The tourism industry has remained confined to the conventional services like parks, cable cars, hotels and trans­portation. What about the exploitation of the huge potential of the state in the form of mountains that can be used for adventure tourism like mountain­eering? The state has the potentials of becoming an international mountain­eering tourism centre.

    Jammu and Kashmir is known as the adventure tourism destination in the world. But if we turn the clock back we had Al-Faran incident where six foreigners were kidnapped and later killed. We were unable to even trace their dead bodies that had dented us very adversely. Moreover, when Kash­mir is gripped with militancy for two and a half decade, the mountains are considered unsafe. But gradually we have restarted the mountaineering in the state. We took enthusiasts back to the mountains. Now trekking is going on and the number of trekkers across the country and abroad has been in­creasing at a constant rate. Tarsar-Mar­sar and the adjacent areas are devel­oped for the trekkers. We have taken the local people to trek these moun­tains. In 2015, we climbed Harmukh, kolhai and Sunset peak. We have also started ice-climbing for the first time in the state. So gradually, we have re­juvenated adventure tourism here but the negativity in the national media is primarily responsible for negating the growth.

    Higher tourist inflows require huge in­frastructure. Do we have the requisite infrastructure at the first place to accommodate and provide services they demand?

    We have the standard infrastruc­ture and services’ delivery capacity that can satisfy million plus tourists a year. If we analyse the tourist arrival data we get about million plus tourist arrivals annually and we have quite comfortable infrastructure and ser­vice delivery capacity for that number. However in cases of some unprece­dented higher inflows of tourists we can accommodate them by setting up temporary camps. Tentative ac­commodation is being encouraged in Sonamarg, Pahalgam and Gulmarg. Moreover, new hotels constructed by the government and private sector have raised the overall bed capacity to accommodate the surplus.

    Hut- type accommodation or tem­porary tent accommodation would be more feasible ecologically as well as economically in the tourist-resorts like Drung, Aferwat, Tarsar-Marasar so that tourists can feel the warmth and aura of the serenity.

    We have been encouraging the private entrepreneurs to come and in­vest in this sector since past decades. We have succeeded in incentivizing the entrepreneurs and guided them in setting-up tent colonies in Sonamarg, Pahalgam and Gulmarg. Tourists don’t like to go to places where accommo­dation is too far away. So we will con­tinue encouraging and incentivizing the entrepreneurs in developing tent colonies and providing others services.

    What about the Jhelum water trans­port that tourism department started recently? Is this a way to decongest the roads in Srinagar city?

    Water transport is one of the com­ponents of comprehensive mobility plans. We have started on experiment mode the ‘new mobility mean’ where we run daily cruise from Upstream (Raj bagh) to downstream (Down town). It is a free service and we are running it for one month. If there are takers we will incorporate it into the compre­hensive mobility plans which will help in the road decongestion and minimizing the traffic jams. We have procured number of boats meant for running water and flat water.

    So far Department of Tourism has succeed in attracting tourists to sce­nic beauty like Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Sonamarg, etc. What about increas­ing the pilgrim and education tour­ism?

    As far as pilgrimage is concerned we receive good number of yatris both in Kashmir as well as in Jammu divisions of the state. These are the niche markets. J&K is the only state where we have Sufi circuit, Buddhist circuit, temple circuit and all these circuits have been promoted by de­veloping special packages catering to the respective circuits.

    Films are shot in Kashmir and the viewers are told through dialogues that it’s Shimla. How do you pre­vent this ‘scenic plagiarism’ in films? Moreover, are the producers and di­rectors more enthusiastic to shoot in Kashmir?

    That has happened only once and it can’t be the rule. After that many films were shot here and have portrayed Kashmir positively and were big hits. In addition to the Bolly­wood, the filmmakers from different countries have shown their interest to shoot here. For Instance, several Malaysian films were shot here. But the fear psychosis is again looming them back. We have a number of films lined up this year.

    Turbulence and terrorism have an inverse relationship. Do you see a drop in tourist influx in the turbulent year from the normal year?

    There has been a drop in the tourist arrivals due to the prevailing turbulence in the destination. But we have to do more hard work. We have faced the similar situations in the past too and we had our lows and highs. We both the department and the stakeholders have worked hard and tourist traffic has esca­lated again. We are employing a number of strategies to increase the tourist traffic. Recently, we sponsored our travel agents to go to Thailand and conduct a road show. This year we have received record Thai tourists. Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and other South East Asian countries comprise a poten­tial market for us and we are capi­talizing on that.

    Tourists litter at the health resorts. The department may have not the requisite manpower to de-litter the areas on fast track mode. Do you think there is need of ‘behaviour Campaigns’?

    We have staff that caters to the sanitation of the health resorts. But when the tourist influx is higher than the carrying capacity it is very dif­ficult to maintain the hygiene and sanitation of higher standards. Ad­vertisements may also not help in changing the behaviour of people. It is the responsibility of every per­son who visits these resorts to keep them clean. Use dustbins instead of littering here and there. We are in­stalling bio-digester, disintegrators, and composters soon in the health resorts to keep them clean.

    Kashmir Magazine / Kashmir Today