Srinagar: Appealing people to completely boycott the parliamentary polls to be held under the Indian Constitution on April 24, 30 and May 7, senior leader of Hurriyat Conference Jammu Kashmir (HCJK), Shabir Ahmad Shah has urged people to observe complete shutdown on the respective dates and revere the invaluable sacrifices laid down by martyrs for the freedom cause of Kashmir.
According to a statement issued to KNS, Shah said: “The martyrs gave their precious blood for the right to self determination of the nation not to elect the so-called politicians to parliament.” Alluding to India’s freedom from “The Great Britain), Shah said the nation that gives sacrifices is destined to achieve the freedom. “Just as English left India, India too has to follow the suit,” he said.
Shah said the puppets of India by begging for votes from people in the name of development are exploiting the same elections by misleading the world community that the people of Kashmir have acknowledged the supremacy of India. “We are running a freedom movement here. By election boycott, India would be pressurized to undertake a referendum here so that the people of Jammu and Kashmir will be entitled to choose their political future, as happened in East Timur and South Sudan.”
“The denial of Kashmiris their right to self determination will push the whole South Asia to destruction of war. So there is a dire need to find a peaceful resolution to the sensitive issue. Today’s election boycott will make clear the disputed status of Kashmir and it will be a great victory for us,” Shah added.
Shah further said: “We need to introspect that those who are hell bent upon crushing the freedom movement right from 1947 and have deployed more than 5 lakh forces for such task, put thousands of pro-Hurriyat people behind bars, committed worst kind of human rights violations, today beg for votes from the same oppressed people. We have to maintain political maturity while dealing with such sensitive issues and prevent our progeny from further slavery by completely boycotting elections.” (KNS)