Maharaja’s atrocities on Kashmiris will always haunt us.
Let Vikram Aditya not forget the Maharaja engineered genocide of Muslims in Jammu province in 1947.
Maharaja conspired with late sheikh Sahab and acceded to India only because he was a Hindu.
Asks Div. Com to make his position clear on ban on highway after a prominent citizen was not allowed to carry his father’s dead body.
Srinagar: Coming down heavily on Vikram Aditya Singh, Congress leader & Maharaja’s grandson, for insulting martyrs of 13th July 1931, AIP President Er. Rasheed has said that the statement made is shameful, distortion of the facts and misleading. In a statement issued today Er. Rasheed said that rather spitting the sky Mr. Vikram Aditya Singh must collect the courage and apologize for the huge atrocities his grandfather committed on innocent Kashmiris. He said “Those praising Maharaja must not forget that Maharaja had bulldozed basic rights of citizens, snatched their religious freedom and given liberty even to his Chowkidars to murder and rape anyone they would wish. From Maharaja to his ordinary Chowkidars everyone would treat state like its concubine and their process of looting even day to day edibles of common masses was far worse than today’s gangsters. Those who were martyred on 13th July 1931 will remain national heroes till dooms day and every year on 13th July Maharaja’s dark era will be condemned. History can never forgive Hari Singh for the massacre of Nov 1947 by his army killing lakhs of Muslims in Jammu province. The state sponsored genocide was the beginning of demographic changes in the state”. Er. Rasheed added that before attributing anything to martyrs of 13th July 1931, neither Maharaja’s family nor anyone else must forget that whatsoever the entire subcontinent is facing today is because of Maharaja’s communal designs as he gifted J&K to New Delhi against the principles of partition according to which J&K should have become part of Pakistan not India. He said “The bitter fact is that Maharaja preferred India over Pakistan only for the reason he was a Hindu and thus handed over entire state to flames of distraction. The Maharaja’s decision to acceded with India and his dubious understanding with late Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah created hatred among communities and also put the entire J&K in such a state of political uncertainty that not only the life of Kashmiris but that of entire subcontinent continues to be worse than the hell even after 72 years of instrument of accession”. Er. Rasheed added that history will always remember the martyrs of 13th July 1931 who had a vision, conviction, commitment & courage to sacrifice their lives against Maharaja’s autocracy and thus created a history by bringing awareness among masses that how much mighty any autocratic ruler may be, he has to surrender before the will of masses. Er. Rasheed also condemned the incident in which a prominent citizen was crying for not being allowed to carry forward the dead body of his father by the security forces on national highway. Er. Rasheed asked Div. Com Kashmir to explain his position over the issue and reminded him of his tall claims that there is no ban on movement of civilian traffic on the highway. He urged Div. Com Kashmir to apologize for becoming a false mouth piece of the administration to hide the colonial and anti-people measures of the Government.