Story of a Kashmiri Girl who is inspiring with her social work

Sumbal (Bandipora): Naziya Hurra’s life history isn’t less than a film story. Inspiring, aspiring and heart touching has been her life. She was born in a family where in education doesn’t had any importance at all.

However, her education was actually based on a condition, if she failed she can’t continue her education during difficulties. Despite so many hurdles she completed her education although she was experiencing a lot of problems. But Nazia never gave up, she had always encouraged herself.

This time nature had set a goal for her. Her nephew was born visually impaired. Everyone was shocked how could that happen. Naziya spend most of her time with him. She took her care like a mother. But that developed sense of social working in her. Later a thought knocked her mind.

It was her nephew isn’t the only one in world with lack of vision. There are thousand of children similar to him. She decided to dedicate her life for social work, for blind, for deaf etc. For that purpose she joined an organization in 2015. Now she is the leading social worker in Kashmir division.

Visiting door to door, some people crossed their limits by calling Naziya a begger. But she resisted and took those abusive words as motivation. she carried her mission forward. she visited at various schools , colleges, villages, universities and hotels etc for funds. During latest deadly pandemic covid-19, she served more than 600 families within just eight or nine days.

She is working for poor children, widows, orphans etc. More importantly without anyone support or help. She distributed daily basic things viz vegetables, mustard oil, flour, mask, sanitizer etc among needy families. In a society where girl’s birth is considered inferior over boy. She had proved them wrong. She is the real hero of society.

Without anyone’s help can had feed more than 600 families, imagine when helped or supported what could be the result.
I am requesting every single person to come forward and support me in my mission she posted in her facebook timeline.
“Working for humanity is my religion, please accept my religion”

Facing all the challenges in an uncertain atmosphere, some new faces prefer to work silently while serving people irrespective of faith and belief. This Social worker have become the voice of the people, trying her best to bring about socio-political changes in the valley. After generations, women are no longer passive victims, but agents of change.