Srinagar: National Service Scheme (NSS) KU in collaboration with SKIMS Soura today observed ‘World Blood Donation Day’ at KU today during which around 50 points of blood were donated by NSS volunteers from University, students and NSS volunteers from different colleges and program officers of NSS and other KU employees.
Appreciating the student volunteers who had turned up in good numbers for donating blood Vice Chancellor University of Kashmir Prof Talat Ahmad said in his presidential address “It s great to see the enthusiasm amongst the younger generation towards such social services and according to latest statistics available with us if only one percent of our population donates blood every year there will be no gap between the demand and supply of blood and we will be able to save the lives of thousands of patients in hospitals.”
Prof Talat while maintaining that medical experts have time and again stressed that blood donation is good for health said “Due to some metabolic activities the body gets rejuvenated with fresh blood after few months of blood donation which besides enhancing our inner body strength creates a feeling of joy and happiness.”
Speaking on the occasion acting Vice Chancellor Central University of Kashmir Prof Mehraj-ud-din said that institutions like KU, SKIMS and CUK have a larger mandate and should be conducting more such camps in future to spread awareness of blood donation in the society.
He said that such nobel efforts are the bedrock of human civilization and teach our young generations the spirit of co-existence, harmony, volunteerism and sense of mutual cooperation.
While deliberating upon the theme of this year`s World Blood Donation Day- ‘Donate Blood Save Mother’ Director SKIMS Dr Showkat Ali Zargar said thousands of expectant mothers die every year in India during the period of pregnancy and after post pregnancy due to paucity of blood and every such mother could be saved if blood is donated by conscious citizens from time –to-time which could be stored in blood banks and then used to rescue such mothers during operation and surgeries.
In his address Registrar KU Prof Zaffar Reishi while maintaining that he is looking forward to more such meaningful collaborations in future between institutions like KU and SKIMS said that it is the responsibility of higher institutions like KU to organize such awareness programs on blood donation so that society could be sensitized about the ever increasing demand for blood donation which can save precious lives and at the same time break the age-old stereotypes and myths associated with the donation of blood so that more and more people may come forward and contribute towards this noble cause.
In his welcome address Coordinator NSS KU Dr Farooq Ahmed Khan said that there is a need to know how to have timely access to safe world which can help to save precious lives at times of medical emergency and such programs help in creating awareness amongst the people.
On the occasion Prof Talat also distributed certificates amongst the NSS volunteers from the valley who had participated in a cycle race from Srinagar to Delhi held in Nov 2013.
Program Officer NSS University of Kashmir Tariq Abdullah conducted the proceedings of the event and presented vote of thanks on the occasion.
Earlier in the day Registrar KU Prof Zaffar Reishi and Director Business School KU Prof S Mufeed flagged a team of eight NSS volunteers comprising IMBA students from Business School KU to Doda who would be distributing an amount of Rs 30,000 and more than 600 sporting kits amongst the beneficiaries at village Breswan Doda.
The NSS team KU has adapted the village as part of its social activities.
The NSS volunteers from Business school have raised this fund after collecting donations from other students and from their own pocket.