Covid-19 cases continue to surface from Super Specialty Hospital

Srinagar: Super Specialty Hospital (SSH) in Shireenbagh Srinagar is turning out to be hub of lethal Coronavirus infection.

Today, two staff nurses and an attendant were found positive in the hospital. In all, three employees of the hospital including a lady doctor were found positive for Covid-19 lethal infection.

Sources told KNT that after the death of a youth due to Covid-19 in the hospital, samples of dozens of attendants were collected and today one more positive case of an attendant surfaced, besides, two staff nurses.

“We have to restrict the visits of attendants in the hospital. Attendants should be allowed to stay in the hospital only after testing negative. More and more attendants are found positive for Coronavirus,” said a physician.

Earlier, a lady doctor posted at Super Specialty Hospital (SSH) was tested positive. An attendant of a patient from Poonch district was also tested positive in the same hospital.

“It seems to be the epicenter of Coronavirus infection. Attendants are found to be main agents of Coronavirus carriers,” said the Physician adding that even in Bone and Joint Hospital Barzulla, 6 attendants were found positive.

Pertinently, 12 positive cases surface from Kashmir today. 4 cases were reported from Srinagar, Ganderbal 4, Kupwara 2, Shopian and Pulwama one each. (KNT)