Srinagar: Militant out Lashkar Toiba has warned people of Batapora Sopore in North Kashmir to refrain from spreading drug menace and waywardness in the area and has mentioned at least the names of 18 persons who according to the outfit are indulging in liquor trade, gambling and drug peddling.
“People of Batapora Sopore should know that it is the centre of Freedom struggle but unfortunately it has become the hub of waywardness while tasting liquor, taking drugs and gambling has become the pastime for some people among them few are known as respectable citizens. We warn them of dire consequences in case they do not mend themselves,” handwritten posters of ‘Mujahideen Lashkar Toiba’ warned.
The posters, appearing at many places in Batapora hamlet of Sopore town mentioned the names of 18 persons and the activities they allegedly indulge in. “We appeal people to cooperate with us and help us in clearing this ‘dirt’ in the area and we warn these people of dire consequences in case they do not mend themselves,” the posters read.
“We are investigating the matter and it is too premature to say whether these posters are genuine or just a prank,” a senior police officer said. (CNS)