In the beginning of August 2019, a lock-down was imposed over Kashmir, communication was barred and even as I write this 4g internet still hasn’t been restored, internet goes off and on in many parts of the valley almost every day, but since the nation wide lockdown due to corona virus, every sector has started to compromise, even though every sector has suffered a massive loss, they have still compromised, from business to education people are will to compromise, someone are providing free accommodation to tenants, some schools are taking less fee than usual and some colleges are promoting students on the basis of assignments, because we all have suffered and people want the poor to suffer as less as possible because these are the moral of the society we live in to help the weaker sections live a better life. I study in Islamic university of Science and technology, the per month salary of a permanent teacher here is more than what majority of the poor families make in a year, we have hardly attend the current semester for 1½ month and from the last 10 months the lockdown has crushed all small businessmen and daily wage workers even small government employees financially and the university is still charging 100% tuitions fees because our teachers are not willing to compromise come what may. Even with all the online classes from the last three months the teachers have hardly been able to cover the entire syllabus and till date no teacher has completed it properly, they have officially ordered a promotion through internal assessment (which according to students should have been assignments considering the situation of the valley and what they have taught). But later on the student are notified that the teacher can grade them by any method he/she finds feasible, a teacher who didn’t complete the syllabus would most probably ask the students for assignments but the teachers are not willing to compromise here as well, some are saying online MCQs would be conducted for 100% syllabus, some are saying online VIVAs would be conducted, and by give them full authority of passing and failing the students, many teachers might sought out their person grudges against student / students of a particular class which has happened in the past on many occasions. Not to mentioned that we have to complete all the syllabus on 2g(or may be without internet as in cases of some districts) within 10 days. Please try to understand that we are humans as well, many of us are already suffering due to financial problems and at this moment when our mental health is already disturbed from what’s happening to our careers you have crushed the little hopes we had from you.
I sincerely and humbly request to all the people reading this letter, including the teachers and administration of Islamic university who truly want to help the students, please don’t do this to us.
The last thing my family or any other family wants to hear right now is his child has failed the semester examination. I request all of you reading this to please share this as much as possible and please help the student studying in Islamic University of Science and technology.
A Student of Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipora