Dr Fozia successfully operated a Covid infected pregnant lady


Anantnag: At a time when Maternity and Child Care Hospital here in South Kashmir’s Anantnag district is always in news for bad reasons, there is something for the hospital administration to cheer about.

Consultant Gynecologist at MCCH Anantnag, Dr Fozia successfully operated a Covid-19 infected pregnant lady in John Bishop Nursing Home who delivered a baby girl. In this nocturnal operation, Dr Fozia raised hopes among all other Covid-19 positive pregnant ladies who are being ignored and asked to get admitted in Covid-19 designated hospitals only.

As reported earlier a Covid-19 positive pregnant lady From Dooru Anantnag was operated today and she gave birth to a baby in JBM Hospital Sarnal Anantnag. Patient was operated by Dr.Fozia Jan Consultant Gynecologist M&CCH Anantnag and Anesthesia was administered by Dr.Hashim GMC Anantnag. Medical Superintendent Dr SM Andrabi and Nodal Officer Dr.Raja Aejaz were also present at the time of surgery.

Deputy Commissioner Anantnag had issued an order that all Covid-19 infected pregnant ladies will be operated at JB Nursing Home. Dr Fozia who started nocturnal operation culture at Maternity and Child Care Hospital played a key role. “I am thankful to Almighty for all this. Both mother and baby are healthy, though mother is Covid-19 infected and has to quarantine herself,” she told KNT.