Prioritize peaceful Kashmir resolution: Zaffar, Javid

Srinagar: Jammu Kashmir Salvation movement Chairman, Zaffer Akbar Bhat and Liberation Front (H) chairman, Javid Ahmad Mir today demanded inclusion of pro-freedom leadership into the ongoing talks and appealed Indo-Paks countries to prioritize peaceful Kashmir resolution for ensuring peace and stability in the South Asian Subcontinent.

According to a statement issued to KNS, while addressing a gathering in Hyderpora area of Srinagar city both the leaders welcomed the ongoing talks between the two nuclear powers countries, however warned that if both the countries couldn’t prioritize peaceful resolution of Kashmir during the dialogue process-nothing could be achieved of it. “Core issue between the two highly nuclear armed countries is Kashmir conflict and besides it, it is the main source of confrontation between the two south Asian giants and can trigger a nuclear war, hence if they failed to prioritize resolution of Kashmir nothing could be achieved out of the process.” They said, adding without the inclusion of Kashmir and Kashmiris in the dialogue process, it will not yield any satisfactory result. They said that Kashmiris where never against the dialogue process and have ever since reposed in faith the process but it was learnt from the past experiences that without the participation of Kashmiri pro-freedom leadership, every dialogue process initiated by the countries got failed and couldn’t yield results.

They demanded inclusion of Kashmiri pro-freedom leadership into the talks for making the process credible and result-oriented. They said that without the peaceful resolution of Kashmir conflict the no south Asian country especially India-Pakistan can’t touch the heights of peace and prosperity. JKSM leaders including Adnan kashmiri,Molvi Rafiq,Molvi Mushtaq, also address the people in Shopian and Pulwama. Meanwhile, a delegation of Salvation movement headed by Zaffer Akbar Bha t visited the  family GN Bakery especially Mohmmad Latief,Ghulam nabi,Ghulam Qadir,Mohmmad Yousf,Mohmmad hanief,Faisal latief and expressed sympathy with the family of Syeda Latife over her sad demise. Decased lady is a close relative of Senior APHC leader Javid Ahmad Mir. Zaffer Akbar Bhat was accompanied by Mohdmmad Shafi, Aijaz Ahmad Beigh, Molvi Mushtaq and others. They prayed for the deceased lady for her eternal peace.  (