Mufti Sayeed eligible to be tried for genocide: NC

 ‘Mass killer of youth is PDP’s choice for CM’  

Srinagar: National Conference has said that PDP has sent a clear message of its intentions to suppress and hound the youth of the State by nominating Mufti Mohammad Sayeed as the party’s Chief Ministerial candidate despite Mufti Sayeed’s involvement in some of the most gruesome massacres in Kashmir’s history.

National Conference Spokesman Junaid Mattu said that Mufti Mohammad Sayeed was the biggest tormentor and killer of the youth of Kashmir and that it was Mufti Sayeed who started repression and carnage in Kashmir by first sending Jagmohan as the State’s Governor and then imposing Disturbed Areas Act (DAA) and Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) in the State.

NC Spokesman said that it was Mufti Mohammad Sayeed who started his political innings by being part of a team that eroded Article 370 while Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah was incarcerated for safeguarding the special status of J&K. “After succeeding in eroding Article 370 along with G. M. Sadiq, although Mufti Mohamamd Sayeed changed his loyalties often but his commitment to suppress the youth of the Valley remained a permanent, personal guiding goal throughout his career”, Mattu said.

Junaid Mattu said that the list of massacres and repression that was unleashed on hapless Kashmiri youth during Mufti Sayeed’s direct, unrestricted rule as the Home Minister of India constituted the darkest phase of bloodshed in recent history. Stating that Mufti Mohammad Sayeed was directly responsible for the Gaw Kadal, Bijbehara, Handwara, Hawal, Mashaali Mohalla massacres, Junaid Mattu said that the PDP Patron would have been tried for genocide in ideal circumstances had he not managed to re-invent himself with BJP’s blessings and funding in 1996 under the mask of PDP.

The NC Spokesman said that it was none other than Mufti Sayeed who on the floor of the Indian Parliament defended the Armed Forces who were accused of the Kunan Poshpora mass rape tragedy. “PDP talks of the sisters and daughters of the nation but wants the people of Kashmir to forget that its patron Mufti Mohammad  Sayeed defended the security forces accused of the Kunanposhpura mass rape on the floor on the Indian Parliament even when some Parliamentarians from the rest of the country expressed their shock and sorrow over these reports from the Valley. Mufti Sayeed called these women, some of whom were as old as 80, liars and exaggerators”, Mattu said.

Further elaborating on Mufti Sayeed’s charge-sheet of tormenting and killing the youth of the Valley, Junaid Mattu said that the blot of allowing the assassination of Shaheed Mirwaiz Molvi Farooq will forever remain on Mufti’s handcuffs and the youth of Kashmir should know who Mufti Mohammad Sayeed is and what his past is. “It is a known fact that Mufti Sayeed deliberately denied security to Mirwaiz Molvi Farooq and was of the opinion that Mirwaiz’s assassination would lead to internal divisions and strife within the State and hence should be allowed to take place. As if the tragic assassination of Mirwaiz Molvi Farooq wasn’t enough to satisfy Mufti Sayeed, he went on to order security forces to open fire on the funeral of Shaheed Mirwaiz Molvi Farooq, resulting in the massacre of 73 innocent civilians”, the NC Spokesman said.

Junaid Mattu said that it was none other than Mufti Sayeed who aided and abetted Ikhwanis in the Valley and brought criminal elements into politics for his own personal ambition for power. “Mufti Sayeed waxes eloquent about the resolution of the Kashmir Issue today. What was he doing for 40 years of his political career when National Conference was rendering thousands of sacrifices and striving and struggling for the resolution of the Kashmir Issue? Let’s remind the youth of the State what Mufti Sayeed was busy changing loyalties nearly half a dozen times and swinging in favor of  the most rabidly anti-Kashmir forces if that meant him getting a seat in Delhi at the cost of the interests and aspirations of his own people”, Mattu said.

The NC Spokesman said that National Conference would leave no stone un-turned to bring facts about Mufti Sayeed in front of the people and show the youth of J&K the image and record of the Mufti Sayeed of 1990 who filled graveyards after graveyards with our young men and launched ‘Operation Tiger’ and ‘Operation Catch-and-kill’ and mowed down thousands from one generation alone. “The youth of J&K will give PDP a befitting answer for the crimes against humanity that Mufti Sayeed is guilty of in the forthcoming Assembly Elections”, the NC Spokesman said.