Srinagar: Jammu Kashmir Peoples League Chairman Mukhtar Ahmad Waza has strongly denounced the killing of innocent youths Arshad Ahmad Bhat of Sopore by security forces and half dozen others youths wounded by firing in different areas of Kashmir.
According to a spokesman of peoples league during arrest at Share Bagh police station Mukhtar Waza in his statement through party spokesman said that Indian troops were perpetrating gross human rights abuses in Kashmir with impunity. “Such incidents have become a routine and common man is very insecure. India has started state-wide war against the common people of Jammu and Kashmir.” “The so-called elected government has no control over the troopers who have unprecedented special powers,” he said. Stating that denizens of the state were facing “worst kind of state terrorism”, Waza said that India had given free hand to its troops to kill Kashmiris. Waza urged India to stop its policy of repression in Kashmir. “It clearly shows that armed forces have no respect for human rights.” Waza said that the continued imposition of curfew and indiscriminate use of force by Indian police and troops and arrest of teenagers had been going on in the valley but such repressive tactics couldn’t stop Kashmiris from continuing their just struggle.