Srinagar: Amid deployment of Lakhs of Indian army troops India Prime Minister’s Kashmir valley visit was nothing but to hide the fact that Kashmir is a conflict. From last three days Indian armed forces have caged the valley and changed it into military cantonment area, vehicles are being frisked and civilians searched. Innocent Youths and pro-freedom leadership including Zaffer Akbar Bhat have been detained and put under house arrest; oppressed Kashmiris expressed their anguish and observed a complete shutdown. So after these oppressive and suppressive measures can any term the Prime Minister Narendra Modi Kashmir visit successful, these views are expressed by Jammu and Kashmir Salvation Movement chairman, Zaffer Akbar Bhat who continues under house detention since yesterday evening, in an issued statement.
According to a statement issued to KNS, Zaffer said that first elected Prime Minister of India, Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru promised with the people of Jammu and Kashmir in Srinagar Lal Chowk that they will be allowed to decide their future, However the Indian political leadership including the Nehru used delayed tact’s but the issue of Kashmir can’t changed or resolved through economic packages. He said that India is signatory on United Kashmir resolutions which needs to be implemented for the final and peaceful resolution of Kashmir issue besides world community is olbliged to help Kashmiri people. Party spokesman condemned the house detention of Bhat and other pro-freedom leaders and youths. he said that through these brutal tact’s India can’t crush the ongoing freedom struggle. He thanked people of Kashmir for observing a complete shutdown.