overnments formed after these, is to clear the fact that though these elections are fought under the cover of providing basic governance. And though The people who contest these elections ask us to vote in the name of electricity, water, employments and other day to day needs of the life but in fact after the elections are over these very people and their masters in Delhi project the elections and votes as a vote for india and use this to malign and undermine the freedom movement for which our hundreds and thousands have sacrificed their lives till date. Yasin Malik appealed the people of Jammu Kashmir to show resilience and wisdom and not to get deceived by the slogans of electricity, water, employments, Tehsils and Nayabats etc. we as a living nation will have to safeguard the sacrifices rendered by us and our beloved martyrs and for that we all will have to keep away from these Indian elections and voting’s, added Yasin Malik.
We all will have to keep away from Indian Elections and Voting’s: Yasin Malik
The history of Jammu Kashmir bears a witness to the fact that the pro-India elections and assemblies have always been instrumental in snatching our freedom Yasin Malik while addressing a gathering at Soibugh Budgam
Budgam: The history of Jammu Kashmir bears a witness to the fact that pro- India politicians and parties here have always asked for our votes in the name of electricity, water, jobs and roads etc but have always used this for snatching our freedom, strengthening the clutches of tyranny and oppression on the people of Jammu Kashmir and for legislating and Enactment of black laws here. Therefore taking part in these elections in any name cannot be termed but as worst enmity with Kashmir and Kashmiris.
This was stated by the chairman JKLF Mohammad Yasin Malik while addressing a public gathering at Soibugh Budgam today. Yasin Malik who reached Soibugh with a delegation this afternoon was welcomed by enthusiastic men and women of the area. After Asar prayers Yasin Malik led a procession in which people from every walk of life chanting slogans in favor of freedom, martyrs and leaders took part in large numbers. On reaching the central Chowk of the area this rally turned into a public Jalsa which was addressed by many JKLF leaders including Yasin Malik.
In his address Yasin Malik thanked people for their passion and love for the freedom movement. He said that from 1930’s people of Jammu Kashmir have been striving and sacrificing for the freedom of their nation but From time to time leaders turned Robbers betrayed this nation and helped foreign powers to oppress and suppress us and snatch our freedom.
While deliberating on the history of elections in Jammu Kashmir, Yasin Malik said that although these elections for assembly or parliament are fought in the name of electricity, roads, employments and water etc but the fact is that people after being elected have always used this vote to undermine the freedom movement of Jammu Kashmir and for nourishing the interests of India. He said that the elections held on 15th October 1951 and the assembly that came into existence after these elections served this interest of India as sheikh Mohammad Abdullah who was heading the government through infamous Delhi agreement not only compromised the freedom of Kashmir’s, changed their Nationality from Kashmiri to Indian but also directed the assembly of that time to rectify the accession of Jammu Kashmir with India. This assembly also legislated for the Influence of Indian presidents’ office on Kashmir too. Sheikh Sahib soon got the reward of this betrayal and was removed from office and was succeeded by Bakhshi Ghuiam Mohammad. Bakshi sahib and his assembly took no time in removing the permit system that necessitated every Indian to take a special permission before entering into Jammu Kashmir. It was the assembly of that time that legislated for the merger of Jammu Kashmir with Indian union and hence pushing the people of Jammu Kashmir more and more into the darkness of slavery.
Yasin Malik said that after Bakhshi sahib it was the turn of Ghulam Mohammad Sadiq.
Sadiq sahib who had mufti Mohammad Syed also in his cabinet went a step ahead of his predecessors and not only removed the posts of Prime Minister and Sadder I Riyasat but also legislated to make Jammu Kashmir as an ordinary state of Indian union. Yasin Malik said that Kashmir animosity game did not end here. In 1975 Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah signed the Humiliating Indra Abdullah accord for getting a fractured government; he declared the struggle of 22 years as Meandering. It was he who in 1978 slapped the black law PSA on Kashmris under which hundreds of thousands of Kashmiris have been sentenced to imprisonments till date. His son in law Ghulam Mohammad shah complimented this by implementing another black law TADA in Kashmir. It was sheikh Abdullah’s son Farooq Abdullah and his assembly who in 1984 paved the way for hanging the leader of kashmiri masses father of nation Mohammad Maqbool Butt and 1n 1996 Farooq Abdullah constituted Police task force and provided them a license to kill Kashmiris at will. It was Farooq who was used by India in Geneva and other forums to cover up the atrocities of Indian army and forces committed against Kashmiris.
Yasin Malik said that in 2002, Mufti Mohammad Syed came with a slogan of heeling touch and self rule .In his healing touch policy he ordered custodial killings of many commanders and eventually the era of Farooq Abdullah’s catch and kill policy was repeated. It was mufti sahib who in 1990 as India’s home minister sent Jagmohan to Kashmir with a license to kill any one and it was during that period the massacres of Kashmiris started. It was he who implemented black laws like AFSPA, Armed act etc in Kashmir that till date are haunting the people of Jammu Kashmir. Another “feather in his cap” is that he and his assembly handed over the screening committee for release of detunes to Indian state, this committee used to be headed over by deputy commissioner before that.
Yasin Malik said that after Mufti Syed it was the turn of Ghulam Nabi Azad. From 1947, his party congress has been responsible for every hardship that Kashmiris have and are facing. He declared a bullet for bullet policy. He preached “ democracy and Ghandi Jees philosophy” to betray the youth of Jammu Kashmir but actually acted as a dictator who banned pro freedom camp from entering Jammu region and that ban is still on.
Deliberating upon the assembly and the coalition government of NC and congress led by Umer Abdullah, Yasin Malik said that they have surpassed everyone in betraying and harming Kashmiris. This assembly and government killed hundreds in 2010 and 2011, arrested thousands and injured thousands and despite tall claims till date have not provided justice to any innocent killed by forces. Yasin Malik said that among the most infamous acts of this assembly and government is the hanging of martyr Mohammad Afzal Guru. Yasin said that when Punjab and Tamil Nadu assemblies can pass resolution to save the killers of Rajiv Ghandi and Baint Singh, what has stopped this assembly and government to do that in case of Shaheed Afzal Guru. Yasin Malik said that after the custodial killing of Shaheed Afzal Guru, all the pro-India parties including national conference, people’s democratic party, congress, communist party ,independents and others who have been serving Indian interest and always acted as Janitors( Shegdar) for India, started crying for Afzal Guru. Can we ask them a plain question that why could not they act like Punjab and Tamil Nadu assemblies.
Yasin Malik said that my aim to repeat the history of these elections and g