According to reports, Malalaya Faizi has been appointed by the Health Ministry as the head of the Kabul obstetrics & gynaecology Clinic.
The international community expressed concern about women’s rights after the Taliban tookover of Afghanistan in 2021.
According to Tolo News the Office of the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights stated that the Taliban are determined to “steadily eradicate women and girls” from public life in a recent statement.
Experts stated, “Today we are witnessing a deliberate attempt to erase women and girls in Afghanistan from public life. This includes institutions and mechanisms that were previously established to help and protect the most vulnerable women and children.”
Experts expressed concern at the “continual and systematic attempts to exclude women from all spheres of society, economic and political life across the country.” They blamed the Taliban for pushing girls and women in Afghanistan out public life. Tolo News reported.
The Islamic Emirate, however, denied that any restrictions have been placed on women and stated that women continue to work in government departments.
Tolo News reported that experts also expressed concern about the possibility of girls and women being exploited, including trafficking to obtain forced labor and child marriage.
Afghan women protested many times in Afghanistan since the Taliban came to power. They demanded a number of rights, including work and education.