KYEF President Babar Chowdhary urges Govt to open all classes equally in JK

Srinagar: Babar Chowdhary, President Kashmir Youth Entrepreneurs Federation in a fervent appeal to Jammu and Kashmir government and urge them to open all primary and middle educational classes simultaneously with higher educational classes in government and private schools started from this Monday in physical manner in union territory regions as educational section has acquire huge loss due to pandemic of Covid 19.
The president said, “Due to Covid-19 pandemic, all the educational and coaching institutes across the world were shut in view of the chances of Covid-19 spread among the children in schools and colleges and now almost all higher school and colleges have started working from this Monday and it can be a big opportunity for Jammu and Kashmir government to open primary and middle classes simultaneously without any delay.”
He further said that during last three years students don’t have any physical activities while the time was spend with online classes by almost all the schools in Jammu and Kashmir and with the opening of school and colleges in the region from this Monday, it can be a confidence building measure for all such students of primary and middle classes who don’t even see the classroom during this epidemic period.
“Government machinery as well as teaching community of valley like in other parts of globe, geared up themselves to come up with some sort of an alternative to compensate the academic loss of students during Covid 19 pandemic, and now more thrust should be given to physical classes in schools and colleges by the government as it is need of the hour after the resumption of physical classes,” he said.
The president further said that government should direct all the school and college managements to follow all the Covid 19 SOPs in letter and spirit for all working days so that all teaching physical classes will run smoothly during the current academic sessions.
“During the past in Covid 19 period, all the educational institutions in Jammu and Kashmir conducted online classes through Zoom app, Google classrooms etc with the intention to minimise the academic loss of students. Every institution instantly framed the timetable of teaching officials and they were directed to conduct the online classes according to the framed schedule but now with the opening of higher educational classes, time is right to take a decision by Jammu and Kashmir to start the primary and middle classes as well,” he said.