No leaves: Sherwani clad teacher continues to give classes even on wedding day

A person’s wedding day is the most important day in his or her life. Some start preparing for this day months ahead. There are people who spend lavishly to make this day memorable. And it is normal for working people to take a break and go on a long leave to get married and enjoy their honeymoon period.

However, exceptions are always there and in this case, a teacher has become one. The popular teacher of Current Affairs and a world-record holder added up to his popularity by refusing to take a leave on his wedding and deciding to continue to take up lecture on Monday in Rajasthan’s Alwar.
He took the lecture via a ‘Shiksha rath’ and on May 2, this teacher named Priye Kumar Gaurav of Alwar taught his students by coming live on his wedding day.

One of the authorities of the coaching institute, Nirmal, said, “He had informed about his wedding date around five months ago. Usually, a holiday for 4-5 days is granted, but he said he did not wish to miss any single class and would take lectures on the wedding day as well.”

Soon after the programme of Ladies Sangeet, he had started preparing for the class on Current Affairs in the morning.