Yasin Malik does not need the certificate of a double faced politician

It was Naeem Akhtar who wrote articles on Azadi on fake name of Iffat Khan: JKLF

Srinagar: Double faced people who in 1990 for their own interest held whole Kashmiri nation hostage for 72 days should not talk of lengthy strike calls. Statistics showing enhancement in literacy rate after 1990 people’s revolution clearly shows what our freedom struggle has given to this nation especially in the field of education. There is no doubt about the fact that oppressive measures of India and its Kashmiri stooges are pushing our new generation to armed mode of resistance. This was stated by the chief spokesman of JKLF Muhammad Rafiq Dar while commenting upon the recent assertions by so-called education minister Naeem Akhtar.

Terming Naeem Akhtar statement as absurd and a clear sign of frustration, JKLF spokesman said that JKLF chairman Yasin Malik does not need the certificate of a double faced politician  and  party who claim to be the champions of human rights but from last 110 days have unleashed state terrorism of worst kind against Kashmiri people. He said that no one can deny the fact that it was India and its Kashmiri stooges who prior to 1988 trampled the youth of Jammu Kashmir and pushed them towards an armed rebellion against illegal occupation. No one can even deny that these were the same forces that during peaceful revolutions of 2008, 2010, 2011 tortured youth like Burhan Wani, humiliated their families and left them with no choice but to join armed struggle.

Even Naeem Akhtar and his double face party, time and again accused national conference on these facts but now in 2016 when they have assumed power after an active collaboration with RSS they have beaten all previous records of tyranny and oppression. JKLF spokesman said that PDP rulers pretending as champions of human rights used to raise hue and cry over human rights abuses and pledged to disband police Task Force but as soon as they assumed power forgot about these pledges. On LK Advani’s one call this party turned every police station of Jammu Kashmir into a SOG camp. He said that during last 110 days, this party is responsible for killing about 100 civilian , injuring more than 15,000 people, snatching the eye sights of about hundreds  people, vandalizing residential houses and private property worth millions, humiliating Kashmiris and arresting more than 10,000 youths  among whom majority is of students and youth.

Spokesman said in a statement issued Said that what these shameless rulers are doing in Kashmir especially with youth is responsible for pushing  them to the wall and that is why these youth are snatching guns from Indian forces and police and joining armed struggle. He said that JKLF chairman had said in his press conference that India instead of blaming Pakistan should be thankful to them for not providing arms to these agitated youth because the oppressive measures of India and its Kashmiri stooges have left them with no other option but to take the other way should have been taken into its right perspective but Naeem Akhtar and his party want to give it a new twist.

Spokesman said that for Yasin Malik and JKLF this twisting of some hypocrites hardly matters as the whole world knows how JKLF after its unilateral ceasefire in 1994 was terrorized and intimidated and how its 600 men were massacred by Indian forces to send it back towards armed way but stood to its ideology  and commitment firmly and affectively. JKLF spokesman said that Naeem Akhtar by saying that we are blaming students for burning down of schools is trying to put his words in our mouth and is trying to deviate from the original issue. He has not answered our assertion that it can be the handiwork of those who burnt down temples in 1986 that too only to unseat Ghulam Muhammad shah from chief minister-ship.

He said that it is our firm belief that for the devilish work of burning down of schools only chief minister and education minister are responsible who for saving their government and showing politics of normalcy are intimidating and irritating students of Kashmir and thus pushing them to the wall. Spokesman said that it is ironical that Naeem Akhtar is trying to prove himself as the champion of education in Jammu Kashmir and is also trying to blame us as anti-education and literacy. We want to tell him that India and its stooges until 1990’s people’s revolution kept Kashmiris especially Muslims away from the real education and progress and it was our revolution in 1990 that brought Kashmir and Kashmiris to the lime-light of the real progress. Spokesman said that let Naeem Akhtar see the statistics in education sector after 1990. He will see the enhancement of rate in literacy and also the growing numbers of Kashmiris going to USA, UK, Europe and other parts of the world for higher education that too on scholarships.

He said that with Allah’s grace not only have the contemporary education and literacy grown but our youth and students have grown in moral education also. He said that Naeem Akhtar and his government are playing with the lives and careers of Lakhs of students by playing politics on education and exams and if he has some humanity and humility left, he should refrain from his arrogant anti-Kashmiri politics. On assertions of Naeem sahib that we have sent this nation to Stone Age by strike calls, JKLF Spokesman said that Naeem Akhtar should know that from last 110 days people of Kashmir are on protest against killings of about 100 people. People are on protest because PDP government has snatched eye sights of hundreds, vandalized every house hold and arrested thousands of youth. People are protesting because PDP rulers through operation calm down have shamefully surpassed every previous tyrant and oppressor. This protest is people’s anger against atrocities and not for any personal matters of Geelani, Umar Farooq and Yasin Malik.

But we want to remind Naeem Akhtar that if long protest strikes are sending people to Stone Age then this nation has been taught this by none other than Naeem Akhtar himself. It was Naeem Akhtar who along with other officers like Ghulam Nabi Mubarki, Muzaffar Ahmad Khan (director handicrafts), Abdul Hameed Matoo (Chief engineer), Ishtiyaq Qadri and Abdul Salam (administrator municipality) and others in September 1990 pushed this nation for a 72 day long Hartal that too for their own purpose as they had been dismissed from services by governor of that time.

He said that this nation does know that it was Naeem Akhtar who wrote articles on Azadi on fake name of Iffat Khan. JKLF Spokesman said that PDP politics of deception has touched new heights of shame. PDP started its politics of green robes and exploited Kashmiri Muslims in the name of human rights and religion, asked for their votes against RSS and BJP but at the end secretly collaborated with the same, dividing Muslims in Jammu and thus strengthening chauvinist forces there.

Spokesman said that JKLF is proud that it started a people’s revolution in 1988 that uprooted the most powerful and deep rooted NC and as our national duty will do everything to expose the duplicitous politics of PDP. He said that with Allah’s grace PDP’s politics of exploitation stands exposed before the people of Jammu Kashmir now. (PTK)