Ordering teachers to protect schools during nights insult to whole nation: Er Rashid

Says if policemen don’t feel secure in their police stations, how can teachers dare to stay in schools.

Srinagar: AIP Supremo and MLA Langate Er. Rashid has expressed his deep anger and anguish over the orders issued by Govt. that teachers along with Chowkidars will have to stay during night in the schools to protect them from burning. In a statement issued to Kashmir Today Er. Rashid said “there can be nothing condemnable and insulting not for the teachers but for the entire nation that teachers have been reduced to the level of Chowkidars. May Govt. answer what is fault of teachers if Govt. has failed to protect schools and other establishments. Not only that on moral grounds these orders are unacceptable but how can teachers protect schools in dark nights empty handed in an atmosphere where police men are not able to protect even their weapons and police stations. If Govt. is providing security to life and property of hundreds of white elephants including Chief Minister, Ministers, MLA’s, MLC’s, MP’s, Political renegades, bureaucrats, and other so called protected persons besides providing security to security establishments and many other institutions, why can’t it safeguard schools. The move also seems a desperate  attempt by the Govt. to threaten and blackmail Govt. employees, as they have geared up against termination of their twelve colleagues. The Govt’s intentions, will, behavior and measures force even a lay men to conclude that Govt. is itself involved in the conspiracy against schools, not only to teach Kashmiri’s a lesson but to defame the society by posturing as if Kashmiris are keen bent to burn schools” Er. Rashid appealed all saner voices to raise their protest against not only putting life of thousands of teachers to risk and vulnerability but insulting and disgracing the torch bearers of our nation.