The amalgam namely Field Doctors Welfare Association Kashmir, Society of Consultant Doctors, , Health and Family Welfare Employees Confederation, JK Dental Surgeons Society, JK State Contractual Doctors Association, NRHM Doctors Association, Doctors and Patient Welfare Association
has devised an agitation strategy which will be implemented from Wednesday onwards with the onset of wearing black bands and finally will lead to shutting of offices, hospitals including casualties if Government fails to deliver already delayed justice.
The amalgam has appealed to Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah to put the culprit behind the bars immediately as it seems that the system has been lax in enforcing the verdict as too much of time has elapsed till now.
“This time delaying tactics is just acting as a catalyst to our already deep rooted wounds and in turn is widening the trust deficit between the system of delivering justice and the turmoil torn valley. Delaying of bringing the accused to where he should be is paining us and our sister female colleagues in particular to the highest ebb. They feel if the step taken by the brave lady doesn’t bring the culprit to be punished now then it is nothing but an act of demoralizing the herculean efforts of the victim and her state of mind in person. Non deliverance or absence of speedy justice in cases like these will stop other brave hearts to come infront to raise their voice against these gory acts.”
The amalgam warned the government that if such incidents are not being delivered in judicious way then it will have an irreparable loss to the institute of society and women in particular. (CNS)