India’s collective conscience may have been satisfied by martyring Shaheed Guru but it has only reinvigorated Kashmir resistance. Shaheed Afzal’s message (Ahle Emaan ke naam) is a constitution on Kashmir resistance. His understanding of the dynamics of Kashmir resistance are thought provoking-‘the new generation of Kashmir has rejected Ghandhi-ism and Karzai-ism’. Shaheed Afzal’s martyrdom will be one of the final nails in India’s coffin.
Shaheed Guru exemplified the true nature of Kashmir resistance, which is rooted in resilience, courage and above all unflinching faith in Islam. Shaheed Guru is an example, resistance icon not only for Muslims of Kashmir but for the entire Muslim nation. KUSU condemns how a person like Shaheed Afzal Guru is exploited in the darbars of secularism.
KUSU also pays rich tributes to Shaheed Maqbool Bhat, who rose up at a time when the resistance movement was at its lowest after Sheikh Abdullah’s treachery. Along with Shaheed Afzal Guru, Shaheed Maqbool Bhat is a beacon of light for Kashmir and its resistance. It does not matter if Shaheed Afzal Guru or Shaheed Maqbool Bhat’s mortal remains lie behind the enemy lines, for they will always live in the hearts of Kashmiris and continue to inspire them for all times to come. It is imperative that Kashmiris strive to achieve the freedom its martyrs strived for, instead of imploring the fascist Indian state to return their mortal remains.