Category: Union Territory

  • Bandipora erupts in protest post Friday prayer

    Srinagar: Hundreds of people held pro-freedom and anti-India protests at various places in north Kashmir’s Bandipora district here after Fridaycongregational prayers.
    Witnesses said soon after Friday prayers, hundreds of people took to streets at Hajan and shouted pro-freedom slogans. The people were also shouting slogans against government forces.
    “Hundreds of people led by Muslim league leader Showkat Ahmad Hakeem started March from Jamia Masjid,” one of the locals told GNS over phone.
    However, soon after protests, youth clashed with government forces deployed in the area. The forces resorted to teargas shelling which created panic in the area.
    The clashed continued for about half-an-hour, witnesses said, adding: most of the shops in the area were shut after clashes.
    At Naidkhai – where a teenager, Farhat Ahmad Dar, was shot dead by police during clashes – protests and stone-hurling clashes took place after Friday prayers.
    “Soon after Friday prayers, hundreds of people held pro-freedom and anti-India protests. Many of the protesters went to Shahgund – the native village of slan Farhat – to console his family,” Mehraj-ud-Din, a local, told GNS.
    However, the clashes broke-out between government forces and youth which continued till evening till evening, witnesses said, adding no one was reported injured.
    Protests also broke out at Shahgund Sadarkote and Vijpara areas of the district. The protesters were shouting pro-freedom slogans and demanded stern punishment against Farhat’s killers. (GNS)

  • PDP’s rhetoric shameless: NC

    ‘Contradicts Mufti’s history, PDP’s politics’
     Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir National Conference has criticized PDP for issuing statements that according to it contradict both Mufti Mohammad Sayeed’s role in the State’s troubled history as well as the ‘policy of deceit and contradictions’ that PDP wishes to thrive on.
    In a joint statement issued to KNS, the NC leaders Dr. Mehboob Beg, Sharif-ud-Din Shariq and Mohammad Akbar Lone have said that if Mufti and Mehbooba were so concerned about Afzal Guru, what did they do while charges against Afzal Guru were filed during their tenure and with Mufti ‘tacit support and approval’?
    “Wasn’t it Muzaffar Beig, PDP’s stalwart and candidate from Baramulla Parliamentary Seat who was engaged to defend Maqbool Bhat in the Supreme Court and ended up absconding and leaving Maqbool Bhat  without a defense counsel even after receiving the due counsel fee and retainer-ship? There are serious apprehensions and theories that this was done deliberately against the interests of Bhat, who was later hanged,” the statement reads.
    It added: “PDP talks of Afzal Guru and Maqbool Bhat without speaking of Gaw Kadal, Bijbihera, Handwara massacres – those which were not only allowed but facilitated under the command of Mufti Sayeed as the Home Minister of India? There are also questions on Mufti’s role in allegedly refusing to prevent the assassination of Mirwaiz Molvi Farooq Sahab by ignoring his repeated pleas for granting security to him.”
    The NC leaders have said: “To add to the miseries – the mourners in his funeral processions were fired on while Mufti Sahab remained in direct command of the security forces. Wasn’t it Mufti Sayeed who defended the Armed Forces against the Kunan Poshpora victims on the floor of the parliament in Delhi? Now the same Mufti Sahab wants to tell us that he will represent the pain of Kashmiris in Delhi through his candidates for the Parliamentary Polls? Why did he then choose to humiliate and speak against the Kunan Posh Pora victims in parliament back then?”
    The statement reads: “The same Mufti Sayeed who talks about AFSPA revocation remained conveniently docile about the issue during his run at power. While Mehbooba Mufti has the audacity to claim moral high-ground for offering to relinquish her security over this issue in the past, one ponders over the fact that she still carries around security – despite AFSPA being in place years after her symbolic tamasha and cosmetic threat. Now Mufti Sahab has started bashing the UPA and openly garlanding the Narendra Modi led NDA – overtly as well as covertly in alleged meetings with Modi’s top-brass in Delhi.”
    The National Conference leaders remarked that while Mufti Sayeed deems the UPA a failure now, he was content and satisfied while he was a part of a coalition with Congress. “Mehbooba Mufti on the other hand ironically claims that NC has cut of its hands by allowing Congress to field its candidates from Udhampur, Jammu and Ladakh. Irony is that the same PDP left no stone unturned to beg and plead with the Congress and tried various machinations to sabotage the NC-Congress coalition – all of which failed completely.”
    They added: “Our coalition with Congress is not a fair-weather convenience but an ideological coalition. PDP is a coalition of individuals with completely divergent political ideologies and pasts – all contradicting the posturing of the party today. There is not a single senior PDP leader who can claim to have been born in 2002 and history does not start in 2002 with the formation of PDP.”
    The statement added that “their aggressions and evil designs against the people of J&K are recorded in tragic, black notes in the history of this nation. Repeated contrarian and contradictory statements issues by Mufti Sayeed and Mehbooba Mufti since the last week show the abject frustration of the party at PDP’s phenomenal erosion in the Anantnag Parliamentary Seat and their embarrassing inability to make even the smallest inroads in the other five seats.” (KNS)
  • Stay away from polls: Mirwaiz

    ‘Elections meant to strengthen occupation’
    ‘Vajpayee  wanted  Kashmir  to be addressed outside Indian Constitution’
    Srinagar: Urging people to stay away from the forth coming polls, Chairman Huriyat Conference (M) Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Friday stated that Kashmir can never be resolved by virtue of the election process.
    According to the reports received by KNS, Mirwaiz after delivering Friday sermon at Kashmir’s historic grand mosque stated that the mainstream parties are working on the diktats of New Delhi and that until India changes its policies vis-à-vis Kashmir, no positive change on ground is expected to occur. “In every free country, the election process is the vital part of the democracy but the place where the principles of justice are rubbed under feet- the election process there is nothing sans strengthening occupation.”
    Maintaining that the election fray can never be the substitute the right to self-determination, Mirwaiz stated that Kashmir’s pro-freedom camp has always rejected any election process under the umbrella of Indian constitution. “Huriyat treats elections as fraud and deceit. It rejects this process and urges people to reject and stay away from the futile exercise,” Mirwaiz said amid pro-freedom slogans resonating from the Mosque.
    Observing that Kashmir can either be resolved through the implementation of UN resolutions or through the tri-partite dialogue, Mirwaiz maintained that the neither the economic packages, nor the jobs and elections can ever soothe peoples’ blighted hearts in Kashmir.
    Meanwhile that statement issued to KNS maintained that addressing the huge gathering at the Historical Jamia Masjid Srinagar, Chairman All Parties  Hurriyat Conference Mirwaiz Umar Farooq said that while in every nation across the world electoral process is the backbone of its democratic setup, but as far as Kashmir is  concerned it is  a futile exercise which   has no value for the people.Infact  the whole  process of elections in the state  is inimical to the very idea of democracy. A place where the basic  human right ,the right to life of the population is trampled upon everyday under the boots of the Armed forces,whose presence makes kasmir the most militarised zone in the world.What good can elections held in such hostile environment bring  to the people,  Mirwaiz asked.
    He said that the only purpose these elections serve is  to consolidate Indias  contol over the state  and to hoodwink the international community by projeting them as peoples verdict in favour of india and hence falsely  giving them a character of being some kind of a substitute for the right to self determination guaranteed by the UN,to  the people of kashmir.
    Terming the elections in Kashmir as a sham process, Mirwaiz Said that  pro-Indian political parties are actually representatives of Indian union in Kashmir, Mirwaiz said they were just puppets whose strings are controlled in New Delhi. In reality, he said military ruled the Kashmir which was accepted by the former Indian army Chief VK Singh who said rulers and pro-Indian politicians in Jammu and Kashmir were furthering the policies of Indian state.  He said military was the real face of Indian democracy in Kashmir.
    Therefore, Huriyat Conference while rejecting this farcical exercise believes that it is best for   people to completely stay away  from this deceitful process and hence totally reject it.
     Mirwaiz said that the so called champions of democracy have started to crack down on resistance leadership and restrict their political activities adding, it has exposed their hollow claims to democracy. Denouncing these despotic and aggressive policies Mirwaiz called upon the people to fulfill their responsibilities at this crucial juncture.
    While commenting on the forth coming parliamentary polls , Mirwaiz said that for the people of Kashmir, change of guard is of no significance, what matters is change of policy viz a viz the issue of kashmir. He said Atal Bihari Vajpayee during his tenure asked the people of India to change their traditional mindset and “shed the beaten track” to address the Kashmir issue outside Indian constitution and within the “ambit of humanity “and in this context initiated a dialogue with Pakistan and the leadership of Kashmir. Mirwaiz said any party which comes to power in india and emulates this outlook, to resolve the kashmir issue and initiates serious dialog with Pakistan and the leadership of kashmir, will be a welcome step.(KNS)

  • PDP to work for change in mindset vis-a-vis J&K: Mufti

    Engage separatist leadership Mufti asks GoI.‘Omar gave prior consent to Guru’s Hanging’
    NC Govt’s failed to facilitate revocation of AFSPA, return of power projects
    Srinagar: Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, Peoples Democratic Party patron and former chief minister today said that his party’s role is to make the Parliament of India a forum for representing the “Jammu and Kashmir issue” for debate and dialogue at the national level.
    Mufti was addressing press after releasing the party’s manifesto- ‘Parliamentary Elections: Agenda for Change’- for the upcoming parliamentary polls during a press conference at his official Gupkar residence.
    Slamming National Conference for giving a prior consent to the execution of Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru, the former chief minister said that the state government’s consent is taken before taking such a major decision against any state subject.
    He regretted that since the National Conference took over reins of power in Jammu and Kashmir, almost all the confidence building measures started during Atal Behari Vajpayee or those initiated during the tenure of Dr Manmohan Singh were halted because of NC’s inability to pursue the same.
    He said that it was chief minister Omar Abdullah’s inefficiency which did not allow implementation of recommendations of committees on revocation of Armed Forces Special Powers Act and return of power projects. “Similarly the Rangarajan committee had recommended return of power projects to the state. But unfortunately NC has failed on both these promises made during its tenure.”
    He said that in a democratic set up imposing restrictions or putting curbs on political activities of separatists is totally undemocratic. Mufti also advocated that government of India should engage voices of dissent in Kashmir. Meanwhile, reading from the Lok Sabha election manifesto, Mufti said that the trust deficit that exists today has been created because the regional parties of the state have not been able to use the Parliament as a forum for articulating the aspirations, highlighting the grievances, and voicing the insecurities of the people of J&K.
    “In the last 65 years, the Parliament has never deliberated on J&K in any substantive and serious manner. All the well-meaning announcements made by different Prime Ministers be it the P V Narasimha Rao’s “sky is the limit for autonomy”, or Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s “insaniyat kay dairay main” or Manmohan Singh’s “making borders irrelevant” need to be institutionalized for them to have an impact on the ground. Unless these approaches get legitimized and authorized by the Parliament, there cannot be any headway as far as the resolution is concerned,” he added.
    The former chief minister said that PDP’s mission in the Parliament will be to drive, persuade and convince all the parties to formalize a basic J&K policy; a kind of a Common Minimum Program of all the political parties on J&K. PDP will take the lead in doing this.
    “PDP aspires to change the national mind-set, through its interventions in the Parliament that finding a resolution in J&K is not only the Government’s responsibility. The opposition, as also other associated and regional parties, have an equal responsibility and stake in the well-being of J&K.”
    He said PDP has put its top leadership in the electoral fray. The President of the party, Ms Mehbooba Mufti, is leading the team by contesting from South Kashmir. Muzzaffar Hussain Beig a legal luminary from North Kashmir, Tariq Karra, a grass roots politician and former Finance Minister of J&K from central Kashmir. From Jammu we have fielded two of the senior most leaders of the state; Yashpal Sharma, a veteran politician who has been in active politics for more than 40 years.  Arshid Mallik who also has 30 years of political experience is contesting from Udhampur-Doda.
    “Our team of parliamentarians will seek to create an environment for resolution at the national level, not just through formal parliamentary deliberation but through informal political networking as well,” Mufti added.
    He said that to build a momentum on these issues, it shall be the endeavour of PDP to have a “Special session of the Parliament on J&K”. “In this session that the members of PDP would anchor the debate and steer the discussion of the House towards a stated J&K Policy which is quasi legislative in its moorings,” he added.
    According to Mufti, Jammu and Kashmir being the only Muslim majority state of the country adds to the credibility of India as a secular nation. “Along with this position, which J&K has attained by choice, come certain national responsibilities. It is our plan to work in the Parliament alongside the national leadership of minorities to address their concerns and insecurities. By working in tandem with them, we shall seek to strengthen their resolve and add to their voice by seeking the creation of an Equal Opportunities Commission.”
    He said PDP will propose, discuss and debate the creation of a new Ministry for Affairs of J&K. We will seek parliamentary approval for upgrading the existing Department of J&K Affairs which is currently a part of the home ministry. The idea is to give it a developmental focus and not an overly security angle.
    In addition to these issues, he said PDP will seek to amend various national policies relating to developmental aspects with a view to make them beneficial for J&K. For instance, the National Hydro Policy, 2008, MSME Development Act, Micro Finance (Development and Regulation) Bill 2012, Amendment of Procurement Preference Policy Act.
    During the press conference Mr Mufti was flanked by the party president, Mehbooba Mufti, who is also PDP’s parliamentary candidate for Anantanag; Tariq Hameed Karra, candidate for Srinagar parliamentary seat; Yahpal Sharma, candidate for Jammu; Arshad Malik, candidate for Udhampor; Naeem Akhtar, Chief Spokesperson and Altaf Bukhari, senior party leader.(KNS)

  • Intimidation, arrests prove elections in J&K a military operation: JKLF

    JKLF on mass contact program on election boycott in south Kashmir
    Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) public awareness program for asking people to keep away from Indian elections continued today and various JKLF leaders and activists visited tens of villages, towns and other important places of south Kashmir and upraised people of the bad effects and consequences of participating in Indian elections.
    “Among the places visited today included Jamia Masjid K P Road Islamabad, Kareemabad Pulwama,  Shangus Kuthaar Islamabad, Kral Chek  Shupian, Narabal Pulwama,Lonpora Newah Pulwama, Musa sahib Shajipora,Wahipoar Pulwama, Kiegaam Shupian, Dooru Ahrabal, Jamia Masjid Bijbihara, Zulpora Bijbihara , Muhammad MohanPora kulgam, Kaader Kulgam, Katrusu Kulgam,Bogam Kulgam and Kulgam town,” a JKLF statement issued to KNS said.
    While speaking to the people at various places JKLF speakers said that the main aim and objective of elections organized by India and held under Indian constitution is to prolong the slavery of Kashmiris, to legislate new tyrannical and oppressive laws against people of Jammu Kashmir and to subject Kashmiris to torture and repression .therefore participation in these election on any name and pretext cannot be termed but as enmity with Kashmir and Kashmiris.
    “JKLF leaders said that elections held under Indian constitution and under the auspicious of India, though are contested under the slogans of prosperity, roads, water, electricity, good and corruption free governance and for addressing other day to day problems etc, but have always been used to malign, undermine and weaken the freedom struggle of Kashmiris. Indian and its puppets in Jammu Kashmir have always tried to befool the international community and attached these elections with the determination of future of people of Jammu Kashmir. Speakers said that these elections, assemblies, and parliaments have given Kashmiris nothing but despair, distress and disaster. These elections gave us black Laws like PSA, AFSPA, TADA, POTA etc. These produced the oppression of task force, catch and kill operation tiger, custodial killings and disappearances, unmarked graves and unnamed graveyards. These gave us the hangings of Saheed Baba I Qoum Mohammad Maqbool Butt and Shaheed Afzal Guru.”
    The statement said that the speakers said that these elections, assembly and parliament has always work to snatch every symbol of freedom of Kashmiris  and the members elected to these assemblies and parliaments are only deputed to safeguard the interests of India and conceal the crimes of its forces and agencies.
    Speakers said that pro- India politicians and parties here have always asked for our votes in the name of electricity, water, jobs and roads etc but have always used this for snatching our freedom, strengthening the clutches of tyranny and oppression on the people of Jammu Kashmir and for legislating and Enactment of black laws here. Therefore taking part in these elections in any name cannot be termed but as worst enmity with Kashmir and Kashmiris.
    “Speakers said that although The people who contest these elections ask us to vote in the name of electricity, water, employments, good and corruption free governance and other day to day needs of the life but in fact after the elections are over these very people and their masters in Delhi project the elections and votes as a vote for india and use this to malign and undermine the freedom movement for which our hundreds and thousands have sacrificed their lives till date.”
    The JKLF statement said that speakers appealed the people of Jammu Kashmir to show resilience and wisdom and not to get deceived by the slogans of electricity, water, employments, Tehsils and Nayabats etc. we will have to defeat the ill-designs of enemies to divide this nation into sects, casts, creeds, families ,localities etc  and as a living nation will have to safeguard the sacrifices rendered by us and our beloved martyrs and for that we all will have to keep away from these Indian elections and voting’s, added speakers.
    “Speakers said that India and its puppets in Kashmir have already conceded a defeat by announcing a crackdown on pro-freedom camp. India should understand that these intimidations have not and will not deter the freedom camp from perusing the path of truth and freedom. Meanwhile today in addition to these public meetings pamphlets about the facts of these elections, it’s bad effects and repercussions etc were distributed among the people at various places in south Kashmir.”   (KNS) 

  • Kashmir students attacked over India-Pakistan cricket match, 12 hurt

    Srinagar: At least twelve Kashmir students sustained injuries after trouble erupted over India and Pakistan cricket match before Friday congregational prayers at a varsity in Rajasthan. India and Pakistan are to lock horns today in the ongoing T20 World Cup being played in Bangladesh.
    Reports reaching GNS said that today at around 11:45 am, some local students started hurling abuses at Kashmir students. “Situation turned hostile after the local students, who were about 30-40 in numbers thrashed four Kashmir students,” a BTech student from Kashmir, who insisted not to be named, told GNS over phone from the Meewar varsity.
    The latest ‘attack’ on the Kashmir students, yet again, is linked to the game of cricket between India and Pakistan.
    “We were preparing for Friday prayers,” he said, adding: “In their assault, one student fell unconscious, who was removed by his colleagues to the hostel room.” “In the meantime, the local students including the residents of the area started to pelt stones on Kashmiri,” he alleged.
    He alleged that all this happened in the presence of local police and varsity administration and they played role of ‘mute spectators’.
    About 650 Kashmir students who are pursuing different courses at the varsity have been ‘threatened’.
    The student claimed that they are being ‘harassed since March 2, when Pakistan defeated India’. “Since then, they are targeting us and they want that we should leave the varsity,” he said.
    The student said ‘we want to leave the varsity’, but “we have been cornered from all sides and they aren’t letting us to go”.
    When GNS contacted Senior Superintendent of Police, Chittorgarh, he said: “A local student has sustained minor in a scuffle between two groups. The police is on the spot and we are ascertaining the facts and a case will be filed in this regard,” adding: We have asked for a report from University authorities and whosoever will be involved, law will take action against him.”
    The Meewar University is located at Gangrar, Chittorgarh in the Indian state of Rajasthan. The Kashmir students have been selected in the varsity through Prime Minister’s scholarship scheme.
    Earlier, At least 67 Kashmir students were suspended by Meerut’s Swami Vivekanand Subharti University (SVSU) over cheering for Pakistan cricket team after they defeated India in a league match of previously held Asia cup in Bangladesh and were charged with sedition. However, after a public outcry, the sedition charges were revoked, but the students have been booked for creating communal hatred and ruckus.  (GNS)

  • Militants warn drug peddlers, liquor sellers and gamblers

    Srinagar: Militant out Lashkar Toiba has warned people of Batapora Sopore in North Kashmir to refrain from spreading drug menace and waywardness in the area and has mentioned at least the names of 18 persons who according to the outfit are indulging in liquor trade, gambling and drug peddling.
    “People of Batapora Sopore should know that it is the centre of Freedom struggle but unfortunately it has become the hub of waywardness while tasting liquor, taking drugs and gambling has become the pastime for some people among them few are known as respectable citizens. We warn them of dire consequences in case they do not mend themselves,” handwritten posters of ‘Mujahideen Lashkar Toiba’ warned.
    The posters, appearing at many places in Batapora hamlet of Sopore town mentioned the names of 18 persons and the activities they allegedly indulge in. “We appeal people to cooperate with us and help us in clearing this ‘dirt’ in the area and we warn these people of dire consequences in case they do not mend themselves,” the posters read.
    “We are investigating the matter and it is too premature to say whether these posters are genuine or just a prank,” a senior police officer said. (CNS)

  • Pratab park mocks at SMC’s dewatering claims

    Srinagar: With the authorities claiming to have dewatered major areas of Srinagar city, the Pratap Park at Lal Chowk seems to be nullifying the claims with its major portion virtually turning into a cesspool.
    Pratap Park is famous for being in the limelight because of being a common place for almost all major protest rallies in Srinagar and being in vicinity to the press enclave in Kashmir. People while expressing serious concern over the issue, told KNS that the main problem with the authorities here is that they never bothered to take appropriate measures to dewater the park. People coming back disappointed with the condition of the Park added further that a major portion of the park is still inundated eve when the weather has shown a marked improvement for the last few days.
    “If this is the condition of Kashmir’s one of the famous parks, you can imagine what the rest would be going through,” said a student while trying to cross through its sideways.
    SMC recently claimed that it has relieved most of the areas from the issues of water lodging and that also most of the parts of the city have been dewatered.
    After the repeated attempts, the contact with the concerned officials was not established. (KNS)

  • Enforcement directorate grills Pir, his associates

    Confiscation of his property in process
    Srinagar: Enforcement directorate has interrogated Mushtaq Baqaal alias Pir the former chairman of Board of Professional Entrance Examination (BOPEE) and his two associates, accused in Common Entrance Test (CET) paper leak scam in 2012 to establish that they received proceeds of the crime, a pre requisite before confiscating the ill gotten property.
    Top sources revealed to KNS, that after getting permission from special anti corruption court, the sleuths of enforcement directorate interrogated the three accused, Pir and his two close associates Sajad Ahmad Bhat and Farooq Itoo (Accused turned approver) in the CET-paper leak scam.  While Pir and Bhat were interrogated in central jail Srinagar, Itoo was questioned in a sub jail at Humhama on March 18-19.
    The directorate has registered a case under Report Number 1/2013 against Pir and his two close associates under money laundering Act. Sources informed that the enforcement directorate would have confiscated the two flats in Delhi seized by the crime branch presently investigating the scam, but the buildings wherein the flats have been purchased are ‘unauthorized’ as per the Delhi government.
    One of these two seized flats in Delhi have been handed over to the building owner against (superdnama) a proper receipt whereby the owner has been declared a custodian of the property till the matter is decided. The second seized flat in Delhi has been handed over by the crime branch to the wife of Mushtaq Pir declaring her a custodian of the same till a decision about the same is taken.
    Besides seizure of the two flats in Delhi, different bank accounts of Pir were frozen by the crime barcnh wherein Rs 32 Lakh was found deposited by the accused. Pir’s gold worth Rs 25 Laksh kept in different bank lockers was also seized by the crime branch. The three accused according to sources in the directorate had tried to legitimatize money and other assets accumulated through illegal means.
    Sources said confiscation of Pir’s property by the enforcement directorate is in process and after finishing the prerequisite legal formalities, the directorate is  all set to take action. (KNS)

  • Mirwaiz appeals UNO president facilitate resolution of Kashmir issue

    Srinagar: Hurriyat Conference (M) Chairman Dr. Mirwaiz Umar Farooq today convened the meeting of the Executive Members of the conglomerate at Rajbagh Srinagar.
    The meeting was attended by executive members of the forum including, Prof Abdul Gani Bhat, Moulana Abbas Ansari, Aghas Syed Hassan Moosvi Al Safvi, Musadiq Adil and Mukhtar Ahmad Waza.
    During the meeting, the participants appealed the President UNO General Assembly, Johan Ashe, currently on a visit to India, to take effective steps to solve the Kashmir dispute on priority basis. The participants stressed that several resolutions have been passed in the UN regarding the solution of Kashmir dispute, adding, hence it was the moral responsibility of the world body to make efforts for speedy resolution of the dispute.
    Inviting Johan Ashe to visit Kashmir, the participants stated the UN was playing extremely active role to solve the international disputes. Hence, they said that UN should fulfill its responsibility towards Kashmir issue which is in limbo since past 67 years.
    The participants also appealed President UNO General Assembly to visit Kashmir and himself take stock of the worsening Human Rights and political situation prevailing in Jammu and Kashmir that how Kashmir has been turned into a police state where the rights of the people are being usurped by means of force.
    The participants stated that force and military build-up can’t crush genuine political movements. They said if people of Crimea in Ukraine are being given the right to self determination to decide their future through free polls, why not the people of Kashmir are being given the same rights to determine their political future. They said since many resolutions regarding Kashmir issue have been passed by UN, and that since it is still on UN agenda as a disputed land, it was the moral and constitutional responsibility of the world body to utilize its resources towards solving the Kashmiri issue for once and all.
    Denouncing the large scale accesses perpetrated by Indian forces against people in Bandipore, Hajan, Naid Khai including nearby areas, the participants stated that they way authorities were crushing the peaceful protests against the killing of youth was despotic.  They further stated that the residents of these areas were subjected to harassment, beatings and torture, adding, curfew complicated the hardships of residents.
    Meanwhile a Hurriyat delegation led by Hakim Abdul Rashid, GN Zaki, Abdul Rashid Untoo, GM Nagoo, and Abdul Majid Wani visited Naidkhai and condoled with the family of Farhat Ahmad Dar who was recently martyred by the Indian forces. (KNS)