Kashmir – I wish to see you again

By: Xulkarnain Dev

“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.”– Martin Luther

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A Poem by Arfa Farookh

King Here’s my video – “I Wish to see you Again”, taking you on a beautiful journey about all the places and all things I miss the most during this time when the world is going through a very serious pandemic situation, and most of us face a lockdown. But Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness. Caught in these memories by moments, I play them back and forth, Play them all over again. I know when this is all over, We’ll get out of our rooms, hold each other’s hands and walk out of the gloom. And I know, that’s when I will see you again!

Disclaimer: This video is not a work by Kashmir Today Staff.

No copyright infringement intended.