Over 1.78 lakh train tickets booked within three hours: Railway

Some trains are to start operations from June 1

The Indian Railways on Thursday said that over 1.78 lakh train tickets were booked within three hours of opening of the online bookings for some trains that are to start operations June 1 onwards.

“At 01:00 hours, 76 trains were available in the system for booking. 1,78,990 tickets were booked for 4,23,538 passengers,” a Railways spokesperson said.

Earlier, the Railways said that till 12:00 hours, 1,49,025 tickets were booked for 2,90,510 passengers for 73 trains.

The Railways will begin running 200 time-tabled trains June 1 onwards, for which the booking started at 10 a.m. on Thursday. The booking for these trains, which will have both AC and non-AC coaches, can be done only online.

“These special services shall be in addition to the existing Shramik special trains being run since May 1, and Special AC trains (30 trains) being run since May 12, 2020,” the Railways had said, adding that other regular passenger services continue to remain cancelled.

As per the Railway guidelines, the advance reservation period for these trains will be 30 days. In addition, no tatkal and premium tatkal booking will be permitted in these trains.

‘Counters will open soon’

Meanwhile, Railways Minister Piyush Goyal on Thursday said that the bookings for passenger trains via ticket counters would resume in a few days, and the Railways was currently studying the possibility of developing a protocol. In addition, the ticket booking via over 1.7 lakh common service centres would also be started.

Mr. Goyal added that on Wednesday, the Railways ran 279 Shramik trains, carrying about five lakh migrants. “Till now we have run 2,050 Shramik special trains, ferrying about 30 lakh migrants,” he said.

All shops had been allowed to open at railway stations and, as of now, only takeaways would be allowed in restaurants, he said.

With inputs from The Hindu